Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Compassionate conservatism - cruelty is kindness and kindness is cruelty!!!

http://www.monbiot.com/2015/06/23/curb-your-malthusiasm/ Once again the poor have no control - they just endure the conservatives cuts!!! How to make the wealthy even richer....thanks dave!! http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/jan/27/david-cameron-cutting-benefits-cap-britain-work

Wondered where the papers get all their statistics? - usually free market thinktanks!


Listing of thinktanks in the UK - most supporting free markets!!


If you wish to deceive others - you must deceive yourself - rule of politics!!

http://www.lrb.co.uk/v35/n12/ross-mckibbin/what-makes-rupert-run Once Murdoch had made his politics clear it was in the interests of conservatives everywhere to prop him up. He was their agent and they used him as much as he used them. Mutual exploitation would have continued in Britain had not the phone-hacking scandal obliged his political allies to deny him the full ownership of BSkyB that he wanted and they wanted him to have. Even within the conservative ruling class, however, things have changed to Murdoch’s benefit. In the past, Tory political leaders knew they had to manage the conservative press. People like Rothermere and Beaverbrook were powerful and politically ambitious. They had specific political programmes which often conflicted with Tory policy, and more often than not they were seen off by a party leadership with enough self-confidence not to be bullied. Even Thatcher, who certainly thought she needed Murdoch, was fairly cool in her relations with him, as was John Major. Coolness, however, isn’t (or wasn’t) characteristic of the present leadership. The embarrassing, cloying relationship between David Cameron and Rebekah Brooks revealed by the Leveson Inquiry shows how far the tone has changed. Ingratiation, therefore, made sense to Blair and Brown, however demeaning it became.

Dogs breakfast that is the lobbying register...


Institute of economic affairs - free market think tank that won't state its backers....

http://www.iea.org.uk/about/what-we-do That'll be the conservatives no doubt then...

Centre for Policy Studies - its aim is to think the unthinkable!!!!!


Aims of Industry lobbying group - how a lobbying group spreads the fallacy that privatisation is the only way...


Edward Bernays and how consumerism got going....

http://www.theguardian.com/education/2002/mar/10/medicalscience.highereducation If you run a society based on the satisfaction of desire, then, of course, there should be no surprise when conventions based in part on duty, such as marriage, begin to collapse. Forty per cent of British households will be home to single adults. Our news does not often ask us to think; it requires us to emote, and our politicians, on the advice of their research and PR men, do likewise. In Bernays's terms, this is all pretty much as it should be. Fearing the unleashed subconscious, Freudians believed that psychoanalysis could normalise people for democracy. Bernays, particularly after the rise and fall of the Third Reich (Goebbels was an assiduous student of his methods), thought that the safest way of maintaining democracy was to distract people from dangerous political thought by letting them think that their real choices were as consumers. He believed, and argued to Eisenhower, that fear of communists should be induced and encouraged, because by unleashing irrational fears, it would make Americans loyal to the state and to capitalism. Dick Morris, special adviser to Bill Clinton, explains how he talked the President into shifting his second election campaign away from big issues - tax and health and welfare - in order to listen to the comparatively tiny concerns of key marginal focus groups. Clinton subsequently ran the entire campaign on the findings of that research - devoting himself, for example, to legislation for a digital device that would screen pornography from family televisions - and won an election he had looked certain to lose. Having found that these methods could win them power, the Blair and Clinton administrations also believed that the sophisticated application of focus groups might prove a way to govern: they hoped that they could tap directly into the wishes of the people, that it would be a new form of very direct democracy, and one where all your wishes came true.

Wondering why you didn't get that job?


All very murky when it comes to NHS reform...

http://socialinvestigations.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/the-telegraph-think-tank-and-very-dodgy.html https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9wqT_0EkhCwdU9PdFppY0NvNnc/edit "And the whole sequence of Telegraph articles and editorials on the importance of the Government not going soft on public service reform, including some strong pieces on health, is something I have been orchestrating and working with Reform to bring about.’ - David Worskett – Director of NHS Partners Network – Communication document written on 20th May 2011" Even the bbc website gives them good coverage....

Free markets going crazy....


Cameron the stumbler from one issue to the next...


Why are 20% of 18-24 year olds on a unpaid internship if the economy is so good?

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/dont-just-call-young-people-4205233 Instead of blaming young people for being sloppy and unmotivated, we need to look at the system which pushes them through university only to leave them stranded, jobless at the end of it.

They're going to build a 2 mile fence along Calais to stop immigrants...

http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/587512/Britain-France-Channel-Tunnel-asylum-seekers-illegal-immigrants-refugee-migrant Beggars belief we can't even close the UK's borders!!!

1,100 people who have not paid tax - yet HMRC has only prosecuted 1 person!!!

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-31248913 Yet David Cameron is tough on tax avoidance???!!! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/georgeosborne/11430902/Budget-2015-George-Osborne-promises-crackdown-on-tax-evasion.html 'The Chancellor said: “Unlike the last Government who simply turned a blind eye, this Government is taking action now and will do so again in the Budget. So I am happy any time to answer for our record in tacking tax evasion.” ' Must be a complete fool if he thinks we are fooled by this!!

Can we trust the conservatives with our schools? Somehow I doubt it!!


Michael Gove planned the outright privatisation of schools - will it happen now the conservatives have won outright?


David Cameron warns us of the dangers of forgetting lobbying in 2010 and promptly forgets it himself!!!!


November 2014 - Cameron warns of red lights in the world economy

http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/coffeehouse/2014/11/david-cameron-warns-of-red-warning-lights-in-world-economy/ So here we go...

Monday, 29 June 2015

One immigrant for EVERY 2 jobs created - David Camerons way!!


Theresa May and the crackdown that never happens on immigration!!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgbyly6NRNo Yet another crackdown on immigration, that never happens! The 'continuing process'... They don't even know where the immigrants are!!! Why are they allowed to overstay their visas? Why are the fines for illegal immigrants going up, yet there are next to no officers to check where they are!!! Theresa May keeps blaming the issues on the coalition... Cut numbers of border staff! They know students are overstaying their visas, getting here legally, then overstaying illegally.. Using landlords is a farce!! Don't want to spend money on the issues, all we hear about is the Spending Review - yet all this diversity costs the UK a fortune!

Theresa May doesn't know her own policies - then lies!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXM7DzeMLe4 All over a cat - yet the cat does not affect the decision!

Not fit to deliver the budget - 2014


The Deficit Myth - all a ruse so they can make the rich richer!!

http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/ramesh-patel/growth-cameron-austerity_b_2007552.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=AQYfPhtWpy8 The UK has the lowest debt in the G7!!!

Iain Duncan Smith (again) - his family has received more than a million pounds in farm subsidies!!!

http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2013/may/30/hugh-muir-diary-iain-duncan-smith All from the EU - doubt if David Camerons fight to win over the EU will work, when his ministers are getting fat off of the land...

Capping and degressivity - or giving even more money to the rich!!! Thanks George Osborne again!!

http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/jul/01/farm-subsidies-blatant-transfer-of-cash-to-rich There were two proposals for limiting handouts to the super-rich, known as capping and degressivity. Capping means that no one should receive more than a certain amount: the proposed limit was €300,000 (£250,000) a year. Degressivity means that beyond a certain point the rate received per hectare begins to fall. This was supposed to have kicked in at €150,000. The UK's environment secretary, Owen Paterson, knocked both proposals down. Party of 'the working people' - I don't think so, do you?

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Labour couldn't solve it, nor could the coalition, and now the conservatives are as bad - tax avoidance!!!!


Even George Osborne says it would be 'very difficult to live on a zero hours contract'!!!

http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/apr/01/very-difficult-to-live-on-zero-hour-contract-says-george-osborne Why doesn't the Long Term Plan we keep hearing again and again, include job creation, George?

Iain Duncan Smith: rebrand zero hour contracts to: flexible hours contracts - how did he get back to his old job, David Cameron?

http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/apr/17/solution-to-zero-hours-contracts-is-to-rebrand-them-say-iain-duncan-smith But speaking on Sky News, Duncan Smith said: “I think, with respect, the media and others have got this completely wrong, the flexible-hours contracts I’m talking about which are named ‘zero-hours contracts’, they are taken by people who want that flexibility. The reality is what we’ve had from Labour is a series of scare stories about these.” Speaking later on the BBC’s World at One, he said he was “genuinely furious” with the Labour party for trying to whip up opposition to zero-hours contracts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No-one I know wants a zero hour contract, Iain Duncan Smith, its because your government refuses to create decent well paid jobs there are such issues, added to the lax border controls we all see, but once again the coalition and conservatives fail to fix - why is that?

David Cameron - utterly toothless when it comes to legistlation on zero hour contracts - again!! Why is that David Cameron??


Over 1 million people over 2014 to 2015 needed help from a foodbank - where is David Cameron?

http://www.trusselltrust.org/stats Not worried about job creation, thats for sure!!! Yet on this webpage: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-32406120 the Conservatives say: "One family failing to make ends meet each month is a family too many," a Conservative spokesman said. Isn't it about time they did something to solve the issue, rather than give spin like this???

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Even UKIP will cut taxes for the rich - making them even richer!!!


Poor pay more tax than the rich - UK! And its official too...


The intriguing Paul Nuttalls opinions on the NHS - he wants more competition in it - and hes UKIP!!


Isn't it about time the UK had capital controls in place, David Cameron???


Friday, 26 June 2015

Inequality - or how the Conservatives keep on looking after the super rich and leave the rest of us to rot!!!

http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/sep/15/how-super-rich-got-richer-10-shocking-facts-inequality 4. In the last 15 years, inequality has spiralled If the national minimum wage had kept pace with FTSE 100 CEO salaries since 1999, it would now be £18.89 per hour instead of £6.50. However, for some reason broadcasters rarely ask CEOs about the gulf between their pay and that of the poorest staff in their organisations. The unstated implication is that the lowest-paid staff are lucky to have any job at all, and only have what they have thanks to the benevolence of the 1%, with their superior leadership skills. If the top 1% actually created more jobs as they became wealthier, then ordinary people would be surrounded by employment opportunities in both the US and the UK. Instead, it is in Germany, where the wealthiest 1% receives in pay and bonuses half as much as their counterparts in the US, that unemployment is at a 20-year low. In countries that keep their top 1% in check, the highest earners work more effectively for the good of all, or at the very least create a little less misery. 6. Maintaining inequality requires penalising the poor The coalition government has already reduced the top rate of tax to 45%. Now it plans tougher benefit cuts for the poor. Under current financial plans, it will reward the top 1% even more in future, by cutting income taxes further. The rest of the top 20% can expect slight increases in their net income in the years up to 2016, while everyone else is impoverished. These figures are based on the Office for Budget Responsibility’s own projections. Meanwhile, the International Monetary Fund has produced statistics showing that George Osborne’s plans will cut the proportion of GDP going to the state to the lowest level in western Europe by 2015, and for the first time below that in the US.

Conservatives: honours for spin doctors etc..


The murky world of Brunswick a huge PR firm whom Cameron has holidayed with etc...


Lynton Crosby lobbies against plain packaged cigarettes before the plan is announced...then becomes campaign director for the tories!!!


Thursday, 25 June 2015

Numbers of illegal immigrants are soaring around bedfordshire and northampton....where is David Cameron?

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/immigration/11699597/Calais-crisis-Police-report-new-wave-of-illegal-migrants-in-Britain.html Do something soon, David Cameron!!!

David Cameron: our borders have been like a sieve for ages now, yet still you do nothing, when will you solve this issue?

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/uk-border-farce-meet-smiling-4762571 The issues at Calais have been going on for ages, this report is from December 2014!!!!!

Sanctions and jobcentreplus being a absolute nightmare....


UK has worst quality of life in Europe!


Doubling of non-white residents in Scotland...


620,000 white britons leave London - the equivalent of the population of Glasgow!!!

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21511904 The bbc paints it as 'painting a picture of aspiration, success' - suspect many would not be so sure as the beeb!!!

Even saying the recession is over in 2014!!!

http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/may/11/recession-figures-growth-unemployment-statistics-financial-crisis Well, to them all, we say it still feels as bad to the ordinary working people of the UK!

Then the recession is revised away! 2013

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-23079082 Question is does anyone now believe a word the politicians, economists and media say???

The recession is over - economists tell us! 2012


Why do the newspapers keep reporting the recession is over? 2009

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/economics/6016293/Recession-may-be-over-says-Bank-of-England-chief-Mervyn-King.html The people of britain see absolutely no sign of this depression ending!!! Despite what the politicians and media keep telling us!!

Camerons cruellest cut: Closure of the Independent living Fund for the disabled!!!


Jobcentreplus starts using psychobabble on its employees to stop the rot...


Meanwhile David Cameron wants to use psychological treatment at Jobcentreplus....he's as mad as IDS!!!!


Despite banks making profits out of QE, they then make profit out of Bank of England rates....

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-11369237 The Banks can't lose, they get a bailout when they fail, QE means they make money out of the rich because they reinvest in shares, and when the Bank of England reduces its rates, the high street banks don't pass on the reductions to make even more profit!!! Talk about light touch regulation George Osborne (Gideon)!!!

QE or Sovereign Money - watch the video here and you decide!!!

http://positivemoney.org/2014/06/waste-375-billion-failure-quantitative-easing-video/ By using QE they cancelled the rebuilding of 715 new schools and 1000 flood defenses... As such QE put in 8p of every pound back into the economy as the rich each made £128,000 from QE as they have shares and reinvested in shares! Not in the economy...

Dear David Cameron - how long before you realize that we have all had enough of your neoliberalism???


Conservative way (and Labour Party) fail to deliver the goods....


Not getting any training - here's why!!!!

http://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/jun/15/five-ways-george-osborne-fail-next-generation-analysis 'The next spending round will take another swipe at further and tertiary education across England and Wales. It is a fallacy of neo-liberal thinking that private companies and workers will train themselves for the modern workplace. Tertiary education needs to be expanded for post-16 and adult education and training.'

Quantitive Easing (QE) : leads to higher fuel and food prices! Bankers also did well out of QE!

http://www.theguardian.com/business/economics-blog/2014/oct/29/quantitative-easing-policy-stimulus-janet-yellen-ecb Not much use to the man in the street with a wonga loan...they get no bailout, yet their issues are directly caused by the lack of job creation, benefit sanctions, closure of 631 jobcentre sites of this government and previous ones!

Iain Duncan Smith: a corrupt and thoroughly dislikeable politician who David Cameron keeps reappointing!!!

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/benefit-cuts-deaths-revealed-how-5939071 And still he wants to NOT give out the statistics - what has he done that is so bad????

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

In March, Cameron orders a rewrite of tory manifesto - he's probably the only one who read it and believed it!!!


David Cameron does a U-turn on showing number of claimants who have died after losing their benefits, 2 days after IDS said he wouldn't!!


Migration Watch UK response to the Royal College of Nursing Report - International Nursing 2015 - why where 37,645 nursing students turned away from courses?

http://news.migrationwatch.org.uk/ The Royal College of Nursing (RCN, the nursing union) yesterday published a report ‘International Recruitment 2015’. The report generated a number of provocative headlines such as ‘New immigration rules will cost the NHS millions’ (The Guardian) or ‘New Immigration Rules will cause NHS chaos’ (Sky News). These headlines are misleading for a number of reasons. Firstly, the rules referred to are not new. In 2011 the Home Secretary Theresa May announced that anyone who enters the country on a Tier 2 visa after April 2011 will have to earn a minimum of £35,000 by the time that they are eligible for indefinite leave to remain five years later with the intention of breaking the almost automatic link between work and settlement. For those earning below this threshold, their visa would be eligible for one more year and then they would be required to leave. Many reports referred to the nurses being at risk of deportation; in fact their visas would merely expire. They’d only be subject to further immigration actionF if they subsequently chose to illegally remain after their visas expired. Many reports refer to the changes causing ‘chaos’ in the NHS; this seems very unlikely given the number of nurses that would be potentially affected by the changes. Only those nurses from outside the EEA recruited since 2011 are subject to the new rules. Even before the rules were changed in 2011, a majority of foreign nurses were being recruited from inside the EEA and since 2011 just 3,365 nurses from outside the EEA have been recruited to work in the NHS. In 2014/15 there were just 665 nurses recruited from outside the EEA, compared with over 8,000 from inside it. The NHS currently employs over 350,000 nurses so potentially around 1% of current nurses are subject to the rules. All those affected will have been perfectly aware that if they didn’t earn £35,000 after five years they wouldn’t get permanent residence, as would their employers. These are hardly conditions that would create ‘chaos’ and indeed the RCN have had many years to prepare for this point. While the RCN is opposed to the £35,000 threshold, the main point of the report was that there should be more nurses trained in the UK. Recruitment of nurses from overseas is costly and is estimated by the RCN as being as much as £12,000 for each non-EEA nurse recruited with an average cost of £6,000. There are also serious ethical questions about recruiting nurses from poor countries. The RCN report itself recommends that nurses are not recruited from countries with ‘fragile health systems’. Many countries from which large numbers of nurses were recruited in the past either have extensive shortages or will do so in the future. India, for example, already had a shortage of 2.4 million nurses in 2012 and this will likely only worsen in the future, according to the World Bank. The Caribbean will likely face a shortage of 10,000 nurses by 2025. The RCN’s report recommends that the government must increase domestic recruitment levels and end the UK’s dependence on recruiting from abroad. This is in part due to the sheer number of countries expected to face a deficit of nurses in the long term; the European Commission has estimated a potential shortfall of 600, 000 in the EU by 2020 while other countries like Australia and America plan to recruit more foreign nurses. One of the main arguments made for importing workers from abroad is that British people don’t want to do the jobs immigrants are willing to do. But last year 37,645 nursing students were turned away from courses they applied to; an increase in places could eliminate the need for costly overseas recruitment. Many of yesterday’s headlines were a distortion of the facts; the rules referred to aren’t new and the numbers of nurses affected would not cause major disruption to the NHS. To read the RCN report in full, click here:

And as for Nick Clegg - nepotism, Lib Dems are the worst employer for interns, not paying interns etc.


Uk tax for two sectors in the UK - first one £193 billion, second one: £378 billion - what are the sectors?

Well, the £193 billion one is finance, £378 billion one is manufacturing, so why is Labour and the conservatives always bleating on about how the finance sector is so vital to the UK? http://www.theguardian.com/business/2011/dec/12/britain-ruled-by-banks Yet we have shared out £289 billion on the banks - plus loans and underwriting and it becomes £1.19 trillion!!! 'Cameron's father was a stockbroker, Clegg's is still chairman of United Trust Bank (and famously helped his son get some work experience). For its part, Labour spent so long outsourcing all economic thinking to Gordon Brown and Ed Balls that it has long lost the ability to argue against the orthodoxy of giving the City what it wants.'

What industry has paid out £100 billion in bonuses since October 2007?

http://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/feb/23/uk-finance-bonuses-to-top-100bn-since-financial-crisis The banks thats who!!! And shied away from their tax bill!!

Time for a Robin Hood Tax on the banks - after all they get bonuses whilst we get sanctioned and criminalized!!!

http://www.robinhoodtax.org.uk/ Especially like 'The Banker' video, scroll down to view it!

Voters 'brainwashed' by Conservative welfare myths...

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/voters-brainwashed-by-tory-welfare-myths-shows-new-poll-8437872.html Where is the opposition on this - Labour Party, UKIP - oh yeah, they want to carry on with workfare etc. Useless aren't they!!! https://johnnyvoid.wordpress.com/2013/03/05/ukips-disappearing-welfare-policy-claimants-are-a-parasitic-underclass-of-scroungers-says-party/ http://www.boycottworkfare.org/?p=4368#more-4368

Tax breaks for the bankers, foodbanks for the unemployed - thats the tory way!!!


Man who is ten minutes late for jobcentreplus gets his own back on jobcentreplus...


Under David Cameron you'll work for your dole for £2 a hour....

http://www.thedebrief.co.uk/news/real-life/unemployed-david-cameron-proposes-to-treat-you-like-a-criminal-20150234788 & call it 'Community Service' as if it is a form of criminality...

Sir Philip Green avoids £300 million pound tax bill, then lands a job advising David Cameron on government waste!!!


Barclays selling what used to be Lehman Brothers wealth part of the bank....


Keir Starmer wants a 10 year prison sentence for benefit fraud even though it is barely being done!!!

http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/sep/16/benefit-fraudsters-prosecutions-10-years-jail http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/sep/17/benefit-fraud-crackdown-grim-sign-times Benefit fraudsters, who now appear to be up there with violent offenders as some of the greatest threats to society, are unlikely to attract much sympathy from the general public. After years of the demonisation of claimants, and thundering government announcements that spending on social security is out of control, even honest claimants are now viewed as little more than criminals. Already unemployed people can be sent to work unpaid for 120 hours a week on the mandatory work activity scheme if jobcentre staff decide they aren't trying hard enough to find a job. This is similar to a mid-level community payback sentence, although these claimants haven't actually been convicted of anything. And so in this climate, it is hardly surprising that some sections of the press have cheered in near orgasmic delight at the thought of more disabled people and single parents going to jail. But the problem is that the price isn't actually that high. The amount lost to fraud in the entire benefits system, which includes not just out-of-work benefits, but tax credits, child benefit, disability living allowance, housing benefits and pensions, is around £2bn a year. This represents just 1% of total social security spending. Retail theft was estimated in 2010 to cost around £4.4bn, yet no one is calling for 10-year prison sentences for shoplifters. More money is lost due to error in the benefits system than is lost to fraud. Iain Duncan Smith may not like it, but the truth is that most claimants are honest. That's why Grant Shapps was able to make the claim that almost one million people had come off sickness and disability benefits rather than undergo the notorious work capability assessment carried out by Atos. As was pointed out by the UK Statistics Authority in a humiliating rebuke to this statement, the truth is that most of them came off sickness benefits because they got better. And perhaps what is forgotten most of all is that benefit claimants are by definition poor, often desperately so. Some people are now being left with just a couple of pounds a day to survive. Hundreds of thousands are using food banks. That isn't a defence of benefit fraud, but people in desperate circumstances often turn to desperate means – often for the most human of reasons, such as putting food in their children's mouths. There will be nothing gained by society from jailing more people who commit low level benefit fraud. The cost of prosecution and imprisonment will wipe out any financial savings. Filling up the already overcrowded prisons with disabled people caught playing golf, or single mums who didn't tell the jobcentre they had a boyfriend will help no one, least of all the taxpayer. While those at the top of society avoid or evade taxes to the tune of £32bn a year – even by conservative estimates – it is a grim sign of the times that it is those with the very least who are coming under such relentless scrutiny. It increasingly seems it is far better in the eyes of some of the wealthy and powerful that it is the crimes of the poor that occupy the front pages of the newspapers.

Bankers personalised numberplates to celebrate the return of the bullmarket on sale for tens of thousands of pounds!!!

http://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/jan/10/bull-market-numberplates-bu11mkt-high-spirits-city-bloomberg Yet the government wants to declare war on benefit fraud whilst allowing the bankers to make millions of pounds worth of profits in the worst depression in living memory (1870!).

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Luxembourg - the tax avoidance companies favourite!!!


Amazon: 23 billion pound profits, 3.2 million pound tax bill - not tough on tax avoidance are we David Cameron!!!!

http://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/may/09/margaret-hodge-urges-boycott-amazon-uk-tax-starbucks http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2954052/David-Cameron-turning-blind-eye-tax-avoidance-says-Miliband.html When will David Cameron do something rather than repeatedly lying???

Luton just doesn't change - pays for its councillors meal, but not for the war heroes ones....couldn't make it up!

Starbucks - another tax avoidance issue 2015 - pays only 1% of its profits in tax!!!


'Sir' Philip Green who saves himself tax by paying a dividend to his wife tina, avoiding 300 million pounds uk tax!

http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2006/jun/18/comment.society The story was in the newspapers last year and in the spring, the BBC's Money Programme calculated that Green and his family had 'saved themselves' £300m from their £1.2bn salary by living for a part of the year in Monaco, whose residents don't pay income tax. Of course, one person's tax break is another person's tax burden. The £300m the Green family 'saved themselves' must be paid by people who earn considerably less than £1.2bn a year or £1.2m a year or even £120,000 a year. If I were in the Inland Revenue, I would fret about the moment when the little people who stupidly still pay taxes realise that the state is treating them like fools. It insists that they must hand over their earnings on pain of punishment by the courts, while inviting Philip Green to Buckingham Palace to be honoured by the Queen.

Meanwhile, Tony Blair insists he did nothing wrong in opening our borders...


Labours Frank Field to 'investigate' Iain Duncan Smiths welfare cuts!!!!!!!!!


Iain Duncan Smith: Man has his benefits cut whilst being operated on for a heart attack!


Iain Duncan Smith accuses Labour of scaremongering over the lack of statistics of deaths due to benefit sanctions!!!


Homeless charity organizes event in luxury hotel....up to £715 cost!


UK's skills shortage in: Classical ballerinas and nuclear waste managers - you couldn't make it up!!


Where is the UK Border Agency, David Cameron???? Bedfordshire UK

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3133338/Farmer-wages-one-man-battle-against-surge-hundreds-illegal-immigrants-finds-running-land-bid-UK-rounding-dropping-police.html Why does he not do something now?

David Cameron - Stanley Fink - donated 3 million pounds to the tory party, then got a peerage from David Cameron!!

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2949175/Cameron-neck-HSBC-tax-row-revelations-string-Tory-donors-held-Swiss-bank-accounts.html David Cameron - dodgy prime minister full of dodgy donors to his party!

We're all in it together - NOT this guy - David Hartnett HMRC who does sweetheart deals so large firms can avoid tax!


Industry leaders advise David Cameron that they want to pay less tax...and succeed!

http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/202757/Industry-leaders-to-advise-Cameron Funny how they are all tycoons and no trade unions etc.

Labour Party receives £600,000 worth of tax advice from PwC to help form tax policy, then the firms know what to expect!!!


Big Four accountancy firms - KPMG, Deloitte, PwC and Ernst & Young - know the tax rules and helping clients avoid tax!!!


Monday, 22 June 2015

David Bennett - head of Monitor, used to work for McKinsey, who specialize in privatizing and outsourcing - NHS


Jeremy Hunt: wants to denationalise the NHS - i kid you not!


NHS: but really underneath it all its large firms using tax havens to not pay tax....


David Cameron keeps saying he protected the nhs - so why did he cull 5 beds per day under the coalition?

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/generalelection/david-cameron-interview-we-protected-the-poorest-the-nhs-and-pensioners-10160839.html http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/ampp3d/english-hospitals-lost-5-hospital-5188945

Next: Polish workers bussed in to get work through recruitment agency in area where unemployment is already high!!


Cheaper workers snatching jobs from british resident workers!!!


Hinchingbrooke Hospital - Britains only privately run hospital - lots of issues!


Britains care home scandal - somehow I doubt if this will be the last we hear of it.


Cat Reilly - made to work for free at Poundland for jobseekers allowance only!

David Cameron - why are you still starting new PFI contracts when we will already owe 305 billion pounds???

http://www.peoplevspfi.org.uk/#/about http://www.independent.co.uk/money/loans-credit/crippling-pfi-deals-leave-britain-222bn-in-debt-10170214.html

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Sean Rigg


100 lawyers resign from the ipcc - yet nothing changes it appears!!!!!!

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-518504/Police-watchdog-crisis-100-lawyers-quit-culture-incompetence.html https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/4_years_after_100_lawyers_resign

Saturday, 20 June 2015

Displacement of british workers due to influx of immigration - yet bbc won't report it!!

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2574289/Migrants-DO-cost-UK-jobs-says-buried-report-BBC-attacked-claiming-document-suppressed-No-10.html Yet still David Cameron does nothing to stop the influx of diversity to Britain - why? Because despite all this tripe about a referendum he still wants to be in the EU - that's for sure! Otherwise he would of sorted it by now!

How the bbc FAILED to report the privatisation of the NHS!!!

https://www.opendemocracy.net/ourbeeb/oliver-huitson/how-bbc-betrayed-nhs-exclusive-report-on-two-years-of-censorship-and-distorti And so far have got away with it!!!

All four parties at last election would keep workfare (2015 election) including ukip....

http://www.boycottworkfare.org/?p=4368 https://johnnyvoid.wordpress.com/2013/03/05/ukips-disappearing-welfare-policy-claimants-are-a-parasitic-underclass-of-scroungers-says-party/ Utter despair for the jobseeker!

David Hencke's blog on the job/unemployment crisis currently affecting the UK!


500,000 jobseeker claimants have 'disappeared' since the 2012 coalition toughened the rules and closed 631 jobcentreplus sites as well!!!

http://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/news/2932-500-000-sanctioned-jsa-claimants-have-disappeared this will be why as well: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200506/cmselect/cmpubacc/1034/6032910.htm

David Cameron keeps on and on bleating about controlling immigration/diversity and failing to do it!!! UK


Police got a 45% wage rise....now there are so few and none on the streets, they all just drive past!!!


Churnalism - when journalists just use press releases and nothing else....


Unemployment: why the figures are so low - if you are sanctioned, you disappear from the unemployment figures!!!! UK


Daniel Finkelstein - lead writer for The Times and writes George Osbornes speeches - now thats interesting!!!


BBC - stacked to the rafters with Right Wing bias - after years of being in Labours pockets, you couldn't make it up!!

http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/mar/17/bbc-leftwing-bias-non-existent-myth The chairman of the BBC Trust is Chris Patten, a former Conservative cabinet minister. The BBC's political editor, Nick Robinson, was once chairman of the Young Conservatives. His former senior political producer, Thea Rogers, became George Osborne's special advisor in 2012. Andrew Neil, the presenter of the BBC's flagship political programmes Daily Politics and This Week, is chairman of the conservative Spectator magazine. His editor is Robbie Gibb, former chief of staff to the Tory Francis Maude. After the BBC's economics editor Stephanie Flanders left for a £400,000-a-year job at that notorious leftwing hotbed, JP Morgan, she was replaced by its business editor Robert Peston. His position was taken by Kamal Ahmed from the rightwing Sunday Telegraph, a journalist damned by the Guardian's Nick Davies for spinning government propaganda in the run-up to the Iraq war. BBC stalwart John Humphrys last week joined the chorus of voices alleging "liberal bias" at the BBC. Here is a man who was slapped down by the BBC's own trust last year for violating impartiality and accuracy guidelines in BBC2's The Future State of Welfare. It was an extraordinarily biased piece of TV that fuelled widespread myths about social security. With such coverage, this "liberal-biased" BBC shares the blame for leaving the public completely ill-informed, with, for example, voters estimating that 34 times more money is lost through benefit fraud than is actually the case. Tory politicians favour the BBC as a useful recruitment service too. After Andy Coulson was driven from No 10, David Cameron replaced him with the then BBC news controller Craig Oliver. Boris Johnson's former communications supremo was the former BBC political correspondent Guto Harri; after moving to News International in 2012, he was replaced by the BBC's Westminster news editor, Will Walden.

David Cameron/Andy Coulson: the man who constantly talked of 'Broken Britain' then hires a criminal to fix it!!!!!!!!!!!!

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/prime-ministers-questions-recap-updates-3760823 http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/david-cameron-accused-bringing-disgrace-3761616 and he came highly recommended by george osborne: http://www.theguardian.com/media/2011/jul/26/andy-coulson-now-phone-hacking

Friday, 19 June 2015

Workfare: Where is the Labour Party on workfare, seems the coalition/conservatives can do anything and get away with it!!!!

http://blogs.channel4.com/factcheck/factcheck-update-dwp-fail-to-explain-disappearing-workfare-document/9652 What a mess!!!

Paul Dacre and Gordon Brown - off the record meetings!


Daily Mail: Paul Dacre - untrue stories, 687 complaints - highest of any newspaper and the ear of gordon brown too!!!

http://www.newstatesman.com/media/2013/12/man-who-hates-liberal-britain This is low even for a UK Newspaper: Besides, many victims don’t pursue complaints because they fear the stress of going to war with a powerful newspaper. They included the late writer Siân Busby who, the paper wrote in 2008, had received “the all-clear from lung cancer” after “a gruelling year”. In fact, the diagnosis had come less than six months earlier and she hadn’t received the “all-clear”. More important, as her husband, the BBC journalist Robert Peston, explained in the James Cameron Memorial Lecture in November this year, she wanted to keep the news out of the public domain to protect her children. “The Mail got away with it,” Peston said. “As it often does.” (The Mail, in a statement after the lecture, said the information had been obtained from Busby herself and that the reporter had identified himself as a Mail writer.) In his 2008 book Flat Earth News, the Guardian journalist Nick Davies compared the paper to a footballer who, to protect his goal, will deliberately bring down an opponent. “Brilliant and corrupt,” Davies wrote, “the Daily Mail is the professional foul of contemporary Fleet Street.”

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Listing of firms using workfare - staff that are paid no wage!


Superdrug, Debenhams, Poundland, Asda, Argos and Tesco - all using workfare staff and not paying them wages!!!


Government subsidises working for McDonalds using workfare - McDonalds profits £1.38 billion!

http://tompride.co.uk/2012/02/16/did-you-know-the-government-is-subsidising-mcdonalds-with-taxpayers-money-your-money/ No wonder they make such huge profits...can't fail if they don't pay their staff!!

A4E charges £45 million and uses classes to teach the unemployed how to wash and use toilet paper...you couldn't make it up!

https://tompride.wordpress.com/2013/02/12/a4e-given-over-45-million-of-taxpayers-money-to-give-classes-on-using-toilet-paper/ http://watchinga4e.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/those-tweets.html?spref=tw

A4E and Cat Verwaede - the nightmare that is Jobcentreplus!


Tony Blair: Still the only UK PM to be questioned by the police...!!!


Tony Blair: Exploiting contacts he made as PM of the UK!!!! And still claiming a £115,000 per year!

What probably won’t feature in your idea of the acceptable face of capitalism is Tony Blair Associates, not with its £8 million in fees from advising Kazakhstan dictator Nursultan Nazarbeyev. You will balk even more to learn that Blair, a great champion of efforts to combat climate change, is raking it in from the oil industry; not only that, but through ventures with autocratic governments in Azerbaijan and Saudi Arabia. http://www.spectator.co.uk/features/9421812/blame-tony-blair-for-labours-new-stupidity-about-wealth/ Blair may argue that, now the period is up, he is as entitled to make hay as any other citizen. But then if he considers himself just another private citizen, why is he still claiming a £115,000 a year allowance to help him fulfil his duties as a former prime minister? He wants to rid himself of all constraints and yet still enjoy the trappings of his former office. That is having your Kazakhstani fried honey cake and eating it.

Secret meetings between Margaret Thatcher and Rupert Murdoch prior to buying three newspapers...

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/media/press/revealed-murdochs-secret-meeting-with-mrs-thatcher-before-he-bought-the-times-7575910.html That way he avoided the Monopolies Commission...

Now 6 million people looking for full time work in the UK!!!

As the economic catastrophe that began four years ago led to a national jobs' crisis – there are now over six million people looking for full-time work – the "scrounger'"caricature perversely has become more and more popular. http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/commentators/owen-jones-hatred-of-those-on-benefits-is-dangerously-out-of-control-7763793.html Yet all we get is apprenticeships, and there are 11 people per placement applying!! http://www.halifaxcourier.co.uk/news/national/11-bids-for-every-apprenticeship-1-7276258 Where is this jobs bonanza David Cameron and Iain Duncan Smith claim is in the UK? We see no sign of it!!!

Benefit Claimants: How the press treats the most vulnerable - terribly!! UK When did this hatred happen?

http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/commentators/owen-jones-hatred-of-those-on-benefits-is-dangerously-out-of-control-7763793.html Benefit fraud does exist – according to Government estimates, it is worth less than 1 per cent of welfare spending – but the most extreme examples are passed off as representative, or as the "tip of the iceberg". The reality is all but airbrushed out of existence. As the economic catastrophe that began four years ago led to a national jobs' crisis – there are now over six million people looking for full-time work – the "scrounger'"caricature perversely has become more and more popular.

Daily Star: Putting editorial in about firms to win advertising contracts! Richard Desmond strikes again!


Daily Express - sacked the whole City Desk and instead used Press Association copy!


Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Emma Harrrison - A4E then gets sold off to Staffline - Emma Harrison due to get approx £20 million...

http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/business/industries/supportservices/article4424207.ece The crooks really are running the show now..

Emma Harrison A4E pays herself £8.6 million of taxpayers money....


A4E Emma Harrison -Inspire to Aspire - £288,000 fraud by 10 employees - says not for her to tell whether senior managers should be held to account!


Homebase lying about using workfare...

https://tompride.wordpress.com/2013/03/30/homebase-are-so-embarrassed-about-using-workfare-theyre-reduced-to-lying-about-it/ Why use it then?

Homebase are using workfare for cheap labour.....poster on homebase wall!

Iain Duncan Smith: 100 biggest failures!


Iain Duncan Smith: Jan Morgan, Atos and the DWP - what a nightmare!!!

http://www.theguardian.com/society/2012/may/29/benefits-system-fit-for-work How many more will you let this happen to David Cameron?

Iain Duncan Smith: Karen Sherlock - how does IDS sleep at night?


Iain Duncan Smith: Elenore Tatton: Even though the DWP where told of her illness, they still wanted her to work...


Iain Duncan Smith: Why will the DWP not print the statistics on deaths due to benefits sanctions?

http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/06/11/statistics-refused-benefits-death_n_7561918.html if you agree that the statistics need printing, please sign the petition: https://www.change.org/p/hm-courts-and-tribunal-service-publish-stats-showing-how-many-people-have-died-after-their-benefits-stopped

Iain Duncan Smith: Stroke victim dies a day after his disabled benefits where stopped! All known about in 2012 and still going on...why is that?

http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/politics/tory-hatchet-man-iain-duncan-1453863 http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/politics/iain-duncan-smith-blasted-on-question-1453865

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Tory victory the worst possible news for claimants!!! 2015 UK


Local Labour MP calls for change in the Labour Party - so far looks like its been ignored!!!


Meanwhile Gavin Shuker gets caught out......


Meanwhile, Andrew Selous thinks the disabled should be 'grateful' to have a job!!!


Iain Duncan Smiths aide threatened to close down foodbanks....


Top 10 most ridiculous MPs expenses claims! I note it misses out IDS claims for underpants!

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/mps-expenses-top-10-most-2266854 Andrew Selous MP for South Bedfordshire (Conservative) claiming 55p for Horlicks....surely he isn't that skint!!

Labour MP even tries to claim for a poppy wreath for Remembrance Day!!


MP's topping up their salaries with £1,600 per hour second jobs! UK


David Cameron: Then rechecks his claims and pays back £947 instead of £680!!!


David Cameron claims £680 from taxpayers - to clear wisteria from home!

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/mps-expenses/5315163/David-Cameron-repays-680-bill-for-wisteria-removal-MPs-expenses.html Yet he sanctions the unemployed, kills off the disabled, and closes down 631 jobcentreplus sites in the worst depression in living memory!

George Osborne: flipped scond home - done before new rules came in!!!


Nadhim Zahawi - Conservative MP - claims for heating for his stables at second home! £5,822

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/10439030/Millionaire-Tory-MP-claimed-expenses-to-heat-stables.html The man who said 'We provide help to those who need it, but days of outrageous claims giving peoples incomes far above working families are over'. There's a anglo saxon word for that Nadhim!

Private healthcare get contracts worth £1.5 Billion after £1.5Million gift to the tories....

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/fury-tory-party-donors-handed-3123469 Where will it all end???

Reform: The autumn spending review think tank has donors like: bbc, KPMG, G4S, Serco....

http://www.reform.uk/about/transparency/ Hardly likely to be on the side of the poor, when their donors are massively rich corporates!!!

ThinkTank - Policy Exchange - a registered charity set up by the tories, for the tories!!

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Policy_Exchange Funny how those that work for this thinktank invariably end up in government!!

Iain Duncan Smith: tried to claim £39 for a single breakfast!! Yet claims he could live on £53 a week benefits!!!

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/iain-duncan-smith-claimed-breakfast-1810086 You really are a corrupt one, Iain!!

Iain Duncan Smith - some will find this hard to believe, but he charges the taxpayer for his underwear!

http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200304/cmselect/cmstnprv/476/476we17.htm https://tompride.wordpress.com/2014/08/12/iain-duncan-smith-claimed-expenses-for-his-underpants-really/ Not documented in this email but particularly pertinent to this scheduled meeting was the widespread concern that Mr Duncan Smith was not paying for his own personal expenses—which included his lunches, haircuts, food for his own home, a mirror for his flat, his laundry and the purchase of underwear. Now that really is pants, Iain!!!

Iain Duncan Smith: claims he could live on benefits of £53 a week - then claims expenses for a £120 bose headset!!!

Well Iain, you've spent your dole, now what will you live on in your £2 Million pound house? http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2013/04/so-iain-duncan-smith-thinks-he-could-live-53-week

Monday, 15 June 2015

Doing unpaid work - Mark Hoban classes you as a employee for the jobseeker figures! UK

http://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2013/jan/15/employment-figures-how-unpaid-get-counted What a nightmare!

Need to get retrained: Avoid Barnfield!!!


Bedfordshire: Street signs not cleaned - council aware and still doesn't bother!

https://www.fixmystreet.com/report/601037 Pointless to keep logging the issues with the council as they just ignore the issues we tell them of. Even if a road floods due to blocked drains, they just do not care!

Endless potholes - bedfordshire!

http://www.luton-dunstable.co.uk/Central-Bedfordshire-Council-gets592k-government-fix-potholes/story-21703439-detail/story.html The velocity patcher potholes that are patched are back again in a flash, if the area that is repeatedly logged is done at all!! Very unimpressed with Councillor Brian Spurr!

Is your town filthy? this one is:

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2287978/The-town-rats-run-packs-Shocking-pictures-Luton-hordes-rodents-feeding-rubbish.html Blocked drains, unswept roads, blocked guttering, litter...

David Cameron: the man who calls everyone else shirkers and skivers - has four holidays a year!

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/david-cameron-takes-another-holiday-3950946 Any chance of doing something for us David Cameron?

The only people that seem to want MPs to have their 10% wage rise is their independent body that sets their pay! UK

In the worst economic depression in living memory, when MPs are allowing sanctions, foodbanks and jobcentreplus sites to be closed down, their independent body that oversees MPs expenses recommends a wage rise... They must be mad!!! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-33003782 Whilst people starve and lose their homes, the MPs get a wage rise! Ludicrous!

Iain Duncan Smith offers 'unpaid work experience' or lose your benefits!!!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltW9dLvQnDw When will the emphasis come back to jobs that pay? When will that happen David Cameron??

The UN wants the UK to take even MORE diversity!!!


Is there too much immigration in the UK - Yes!


Now they want to get rid of christian prayer in the UK - truly amazing!


New wave of illegal immigrants on their way - yet David Cameron just ignores the issues and spins another set of lies!!

http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/584478/Britain-migrants-borders-politics-immigration-Calais When will it ever end??

Immigration song - its been going on so long, we pay whilst the diversity gets all the benefits!!!


When is David Cameron going to close our porous borders???

http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/584551/shocking-moment-gang-migrants-smash-into-lorry-heading-UK-dover-at-French-port-Calais And why hasn't the British government offered help to the French? Why are the diversity bragging about being offered such easy access to the UK? Why is David Cameron ignoring the issues and leaving us with a truly nightmare jobs market??

The British resident feels like a stranger in their own country....

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/immigration/9831912/I-feel-like-a-stranger-where-I-live.html It really is this bad!!!

Jobcentreplus advisers pushing jobseekers into self employment...

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-21260331 As the tories refuse to create new jobs what else is there?

Austerity to become legally binding....


Iain Duncan Smith has a explosive row on radio with James O'Brien!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZ231M7fCNo Even in 2013 he will not listen to anyone apart from his own views! In the worst depression in living memory, we have this man sanctioning jobseekers off of the dole whilst not creating jobs - he wants us to do workfare - namely working for free! He even says there is no workfare programme - we know there is one as the coalition/conservatives want us to work for free! Whilst these firms earn millions from the jobseeker! They say we 'volunteer' but we don't volunteer, we are bullied into the 'volunteering' - so they pay the dole as 'wages' - IDS thinks this is a positive!! He really is a piece of work!!

Never thought I would agree with Glenda Jackson - but on Iain Duncan Smith - I definitely do!


Iain Duncan Smith sticking up for his sanctions again...even when queried on deaths by sanctions - he thinks he is good!!


Iain Duncan Smith goes on the Andrew Marr Show and doesn't speak a word of the truth!!!


Jobcentreplus claimants tricked out of benefits!!!


Conservatives alienate the unemployed from the workers casting them as scroungers whilst sanctioning them off of the system!

http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2012/12/tories-shameful-new-ad-campaign-against-scroungers And yet they get re-elected - doubt it will happen again in 2020!

Dunstable - committed to regeneration - cobblers - its worse in june 2015 than before Mary Portas visited!!!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JP4soL1S5kQ Remember Mary Portas - even she gave up on Dunstable!!! All the same councillors are still about so I hear, yet nothing improves, if anything its worse now!!!

Meanwhile, Dunstable Council and 'Central Bedfordshire Council' seem to be happy with Dunstable looking like a ghost town!!!

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2908559/Once-thriving-Dunstable-ghost-town-43-boarded-shops.html No sign of this wonderful 'recovery' we keep hearing about here David Cameron!!!

Sunday, 14 June 2015

How does kelvin hopkins manage to spend £128,233 on staffing via the ipsa webpage...

The 'black hole' for money that is Lutons Guided Busway that residents didn't want anyway - yet still got!!!

http://www.luton-dunstable.co.uk/Criticism-improvements-plan-8216-black-hole-8217/story-23091489-detail/story.html Also using a £600 per week sign to stop car drivers driving on the busway! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-26515512 Nearby houses are being shaken to pieces by the vibrations from the busway! http://www.dunstabletoday.co.uk/news/local-news/neighbours-are-getting-no-good-vibes-from-busway-1-5749692 Bollards costing £73,000 used to stop car drivers going down busway! http://article.wn.com/view/2014/03/11/LutonDunstable_busway_73000_bollards_unwanted_cost/ http://www.luton-dunstable.co.uk/Spending-money-busway-insanity/story-21707886-detail/story.html

David Cameron - why is it the lowest paid pay the most tax?


If you make a mistake with your benefits - watch out, the fool David Cameron is about....

https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/about-us/how-citizens-advice-works/media/press-releases/people-who-make-innocent-mistakes-must-be-protected-from-tough-benefit-fraud-penalties/ Chasing the innocent and leaving alone the tax dodgers!!

Paralympic teen to lose her mobility vehicle as she is not disabled enough!!! What a farce David Cameron...


Even if there are jobs in a certain area, David Cameron and his chums make the 100,000 jobs on workfare for no wage!!!


David Cameron - the prime minister that refuses to listen to his electorate - as such it just gets worse and worse for the electorate, not him!


David Cameron interested in reducing the deficit by killing off the unemployed, yet won't chase the tax dodgers, why??


Where are the border controls, David Cameron - comes to something when a 70 year old has to do their job!!!


Iain Duncan Smith branded a ratbag

http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2013/mar/27/ian-duncan-smith-branded-ratbag He just carries on blithely killing people off!

So out of touch - the tories fail to control diversity!


11 people go for every apprenticeship....


The election result in a nutshell!


Problems with Goff Daft - DWP Ministerial Correspondence Team!

http://www.mumsnet.com/Talk/petitions_noticeboard/1878147-Problems-with-Goff-Daft I have plenty of letters from goff daft - they never answer my questions though! http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/1068/letterfr1.jpg

A post showing how scared everyone is of David Camerons parties policies - Rev'd Mike Walsh

https://www.facebook.com/revd.walsh/posts/833251746766802 http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/david-cameron-challenged-to-live-on-minimum-wage-and-volunteer-at-food-bank-to-understand-impact-of-tory-welfare-cuts-10241556.html

David Lammy ex minister says immigration not too high...huge green spaces with no immigrants!!!

http://www.workpermit.com/news/2015-05-13/uk-immigration-not-too-high-says-former-minister Completely away with the fairies!!!

700% rise in homelessness in Reading - yet tory MP Rob Wilson calls the questioner a sore loser!!!!

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/tory-mp-rob-wilson-calls-woman-a-loser-after-question-about-homeless-problem-10240912.html The nasty party is back in power again, and we will know it by 2020!!!

Meanwhile the recruitment agencies give the jobseeker the run around, thanks to the coalitions relaxing of the rules!!!


More than 80 suicides thanks to benefit cuts from David Camerons party!!


Blind caller blasts Iain Duncan Smiths welfare reforms....


Double lung and heart transplant patient on ten tablets per day gets sanctioned - passes away 9 days later - are you listening David Cameron??

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2332038/Double-lung-heart-transplant-patient-died-days-benefits-stopped-declared-fit-work.html Hardly the party of the people!

We know Dave is a liar!!!!!!!!


Experts tell the government sanctions are absurd and don't work well - but guess what, they carry on doing them!!


Mark Wood and David Clapson - the victims of a heartless benefits system under the coalition and the conservatives!


MPs probe savage benefit cuts - and carry on doing them!!!


David Cameron - makes the debt go from 811 billion to 1111billion!!!


Long term plan - for everyone to worry all the while about unemployment!!!


George Osborne is asked 18 times a question and doesn't answer....

http://metro.co.uk/2015/04/12/george-osborne-fails-to-answer-question-18-times-in-excruciating-interview-5147162/ Like getting blood out of stone... Long term plan - more like long term nightmare!

Average wait of 3 weeks to see a GP - yet Cameron doesn't worry - he goes private obviously!


Average wait of 3 weeks to see a GP - yet Cameron doesn't worry - he goes private obviously!


Food bank use linked to cuts - but as ever the government thinks we are all after a freebie!

http://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/national/12878265.Food_banks_rise__linked_to_cuts_/ Cruel and silly government that never thinks that people are honest and in trouble...

David Camerons claims of job creation are fiddled....


Julie Etchingham (Sky) calls David Camerons policy on immigration - extermination!!!

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/general-election-2015/11510105/ITV-leaders-debate-Julie-Etchingham-an-on-air-gaffe-and-a-Dalek-from-David-Cameron.html She's right, it has exterminated the residents - but Cameron is too busy pandering to rich business and not enforcing any rules or regulations to notice!!

Even more firms fail to pay the minimum wage - they know they won't get a visit from David Camerons enforcement officers!!

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-32027007 Hardly the 'party of the working people'!!!

Homeless charity speaks of sanctions cruelty - yet the government turns a blind eye once again!

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-31800500 They just don't care!!

To cap it all David Cameron then gives a speech on wellbeing - after the sanctions, lack of job creation etc.

https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/pm-speech-on-wellbeing Must think we are daft!!!

If you are on Universal Credit miraculously you are off the unemployed figures - all stan and ollie from the tories again!!


Conservative central headquarters leaks the candidates they don't expect to win at general election 2015!!!


David Cameron wants to keep wages down and a lot people unemployed....

http://voxpoliticalonline.com/2015/01/19/whats-the-point-of-a-cameron-job-that-cant-make-work-pay/ Otherwise he would of sorted it out by now...

This minister tells us what we know - diversity is having a baby boom and abusing our benefits and nhs!!!

http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/564458/immigrant-foreign-mothers-babies-baby-Lord-Bates Yet all this is ignored by our politicians in power!!!

Meanwhile under the coalition and no doubt now the conservatives, homelessness rises by 14%!!!


Vince Cable uses a sporting analogy on foreign players, but fails miserably....


The coalition was bad for jobs - now the conservatives appear to be following suit!!!


Conservative voters in 2010 look to Labour for jobs and homes...

http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/03/12/uk-britain-election-youngvoters-idUKKBN0M81SO20150312 And don't get helped no doubt!

And now he wants to do it all over again - he's promising 'jobs for all' in 2015 election manifesto - i kid you not!!!

https://www.conservatives.com/Manifesto Page 17 has the heading 'Jobs for all'... Must of been on the sherry, served by butler no doubt!

David Camerons contract with the british people - failed! 2010

Saturday, 13 June 2015

And then firms refuse to pay the minimum wage to their staff - beyond belief!!! Where is David Cameron - chillaxing?


Old friend Amazon under fire for staffing issues using Ranstad


Crimes against humanity - disabled people!


Even complaining to the ICC at the Hague doesn't seem to stop David Cameron - why is that?

https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/letter-to-the-icc-at-the-hague-re-mistreatment-of-the-disabled-and-sick Evil and a fool one presumes...

David Clapson gets his benefits suspended and dies because he has no fridge for his diabetes medicine!

http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2015/02/grieving-relative-confronts-dwp-minister-esther-mcvey-after-benefit-sanctions He had to wait two weeks for the hardship payment that was two weeks too late!!

Iain Duncan Smith tells us he's saved £50 billion pounds, but the IFS says no he hasn't!

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2938797/My-welfare-reforms-save-taxpayer-50billion-says-Iain-Duncan-Smith-Welfare-grows-slowest-rate-reforms.html social security spending will be no lower next year than it was when David Cameron took office

UKIP has a punt at solving all the problems, but misses out the middle aged etc...


Middle aged crushed by the three main parties - and they just don't seem to be at all concerned!

http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/danhodges/100137845/the-middle-aged-unemployed-are-being-slowly-crushed-between-government-cuts-and-labour-complacency/ In fact, I reckon they get a weird kick out of taking our livelihoods away from us and then sanctioning us to death!!!

Visas and Immigration have coded all the jobs ready for diversity....


The Bank of England loses the plot....


Meanwhile, Kevin Green of the REC seems to be able to see sunshine when there is only gloom!!!!


Nick Clegg fails to deliver on 92% of the 160,000 jobs he promises....


Meanwhile, the UN seems to be under the illusion there is no problems in the UK caused by diversity....

http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/12/03/francois-crepeau-uk-migrants-un_n_6259728.html?utm_hp_ref=uk What a dipstick!

How do you define unemployment - well if you are a conservative, you massage the figures and miss out a million or two!!!


12,000 people sanctioned per month.....whilst the diversity swims in work, the british resident is at the back of the queue, why David Cameron???


In area with 200,000 on the dole, Next decides to hire polish workers - no wonder the british are so fed up!

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2852931/How-hiring-thousands-cheap-Eastern-European-workers-staff-warehouse-area-200-000-dole.html Whilst the british government doles out 12,000 sanctions per month to the unemployed! Where is the opposition from the other parties to this? Hear that - there doesn't appear to be any - why exactly is that?? http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/jan/23/benefits-sanctions-bullied-dwp-claimants

Brutal attacks on the unemployed and disabled by the coalition and now on their own, the conservatives!!!


Border checks get less spent on them in 2015 than in 2010!!! David Cameron you are a fool!!!


Romanian scrapyard worker comes to the UK to get £25,000 per year handouts, whilst David Cameron sanctions the residents!!!


160,000 jobs lost to british residents thanks to freedom of movement of workers...and this was published in 2012!!!


Employers not expecting a visit from labour inspectors - one visit per 250 years!!!! David Cameron must be a fool!!!


Listing of salaries for immigrants - oh yeah, they've done a listing!!! If only they took so much time over the residents?


The complete and utter muddle that is the Labour Party - you couldn't make it up - though they did and continue to!


Take £6 for every £1 they give - our old enemy David Cameron again!!!


DWP refuses to pay diversity unemployment benefits when they return back home....

Actually thats not a bad idea! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/eu/11124256/UK-embroiled-in-welfare-row-over-European-migrants.html

Disability Confident David Cameron sacks the disabled employees at DWP more than anyone else - why David?


Woman overdoses after 6 month backlog of benefits - yet does David Cameron care? Appears not!!!


2000 apply for 70 jobs - where are all these jobs we keep hearing about David Cameron?


Meanwhile, UKIP doesn't seem to care about the unemployed either, why not, when it could get a lot of votes, Nigel?


600 migrants found in hotel with 98 beds....yet the government blissfully keeps the borders open, why?


75% of jobs go to diversity - not british residents - when will this change David Cameron?


Meanwhile, the government loses track of 50,000 illegal immigrants....never ceases to amaze, yet no-one gets sacked, why not?


Labour wants to be tougher than the tories - has the world gone mad? Looks like it!!!!


Woman uses billboard to find work - none found despite 100 applications! UK


Gout, scurvey, scarlet fever all back thanks to David Cameron - foodbank usage goes from 40,000 2010 to 315,000 2013

https://kittysjones.wordpress.com/2014/07/27/welfare-reforms-food-banks-malnutrition-and-the-return-of-victorian-diseases-are-not-coincidental-mr-cameron/ We are ashamed of the coalition and conservative government! And still they get elected - how? When they treat their electorate like this!!!

Labour MP calls the coalition murderers - gets suspended - then is allowed to stand for Labour!

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/labour/11006057/Labour-candidate-who-called-Tories-murdering-b-s-reinstated.html Not much encouragement to tell the truth from Labour - once again!!!

Since David Cameron came into power another 200,000 kids only have one parent working part-time!

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/david-camerons-government-caused-full-time-3197874 Yet he says he is the party of the working people - you little liar David!!!

Now the illegal immigrants want a judge to deport them - as there is no work in the UK for them!

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/immigration/9270897/Please-deport-me-theres-no-work-in-Britain-illegal-immigrant-begs-judge.html Why come here then?

The unemployed mentally ill get bullied whilst David Cameron creates work for diversity....


Disabled sent on workfare for huge firms benefit - without pay!


Conservatives want to outsource jobcentreplus - using contractors!


bbc misses anti austerity demo and sends out a standardised form to those who complain!


White working class get marginalized by diversity - and the government of the uk does nothing!!!


100,000 students go 'missing' after finishing their courses in the UK - yet still the borders will not be closed by David Cameron!


The government says 'we hear you' and then ignores us - AGAIN!!!


Secret reports that tell the government what they want to hear!!! Leaving us out in the cold - AGAIN!!!!


Universal Credit from Iain Duncan Smith etc - so good the government has 'reset' it!


334% increase in sanctions from jobcentreplus

http://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/news/2767-new-dwp-statistics-show-a-334-increase-in-esa-sanctions Anything to get the jobseeker off of the statistics, whilst in the meantime allowing unfettered diversity in through the borders....

Meanwhile with the new Universal Credit even the DWP chiefs keep leaving - is it because its a failure?

http://www.computerweekly.com/blogs/editors-blog/2014/04/is-dwp-looking-for-yet-another.html Course it is!

Man threatens suicide for being wrongly sanctioned on David Camerons facebook page - and gets told to get on with it!!!


Michael Meachers speech on benefit sanctions - all ignored by the government who keep on repeating the same mistakes!


Most have given up completely on jobcentreplus and its silly sanctions etc.


Jobcentreplus loses the plot under the coalition/conservatives - and no-one seems to care in government, why?


Welcome to Britain - true unemployment is over 6.3 million!!

http://www.theguardian.com/business/2012/feb/14/uk-unemployment-underemployed-tuc Where are all the jobs, David Cameron?????????????

David Cameron is a christian - yet allows poverty and foodbanks to flourish!


Welcome to Britain - 1,500 people queue for 40 jobs!


Conservatives knew in 2012 people where committing suicide to escape poverty - yet they put IDS back in the same job!


Even the Labour Party is investigated for using diversity without the right work permits - what a utter, utter farce!

http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/456578/Border-Agency-asked-to-investigate-if-ex-Barack-Obama-mentor-is-advising-Labour-illegally And these idiots are supposed to be the opposition!!!!

Liberty says the coalition/conservatives are ethnically cleansing the english from the UK - and they are right!

http://libertygb.org.uk/v1/index.php/news-libertygb/5648-ethnically-cleansing-the-english-02 When will this change? No ifs no buts - what a farce David Cameron!!!

No replies for jobseekers from firms - soul destroying for jobseekers! UK


Man kills himself with a gun after having benefits stopped - well done conservatives/coalition!


Another suicide thanks to Atos wrongly saying this woman could work when any sane person could see she couldn't!


Minister gets his own law wrong on jobseekers allowance...

https://skwalker1964.wordpress.com/2013/09/08/hoban-gets-his-own-law-wrong-on-jobseeker-search-proof/ When will the coalition/conservatives treat the unemployed fairly? Seems like they never will! Thats assuming there is even a jobcentreplus left open for the jobseeker to go to! http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200506/cmselect/cmpubacc/1034/6032910.htm

The coalition says they handed out food vouchers via jobcentreplus to jobseekers - but they didn't!


The coalition puts a cap on immigration - and immigration increases via intra-company transfers - what are our politicians doing?


Tesco and Next - employing immigrants (sorry diversity) on the cheap and undercutting the resident jobseeker!

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/epic/tsco/10235442/Labour-accuses-Tesco-and-Next-of-hiring-foreign-staff-on-the-cheap.html The Conservatives, Labour and Liberal Democrats turn a blind eye to the exclusion of resident workers needs for a job and go abroad for employees!

How bad the mental health services are in the UK - this guy repeatedly tried to committ suicide and they arrested him!

http://www.torquayheraldexpress.co.uk/Torquay-suicidal-man-cost-Network-Rail-37-000/story-19614746-detail/story.html?email-tobe-verified=true More worried about costs to Network Rail than the suicidal guy - thats the world David Cameron lives in!

One bloke tries to sell himself on ebay its so hard to find work in the UK thanks to the diversity!


The conservative benefits system - people are committing suicide rather than go through it!


The tories can't even work out if they are mad or not....

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/10196559/All-Tories-are-mad-Francis-Maude-told-MP.html But i reckon we all know the answer is they are!

And the conservatives even misled parliament over the debt! And get away with it!


David Cameron stands on a picket line pre-election to save a hospital - when elected, he closes it!

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/veteran-nhs-campaigner-david-cameron-5067256 Only a politician could get away with this!

And if you finally need convincing that David Cameron isn't doing good - read this!

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/generalelection/david-cameron-wants-young-people-to-work-30-hours-a-week-for-benefits-in-new-tory-plan-10051342.html After 49 peer reviews they still do not see the error of their ways! We do - you can count on that David Cameron!

David Cameron gets cheap Labour by making the unemployed work for their dole - its all here!


Meanwhile, Cameron, Clegg and Iain Duncan Smith are causing this sort of hardship!

http://www.sundaypost.com/news-views/uk/the-letter-that-s-a-shocking-indictment-of-our-benefits-system-1.845005 As its so hard to find work in the UK now, thanks to them!

Need a wry laugh? Iain Duncan Smith has given a speech on compassion - i kid you not!


Why are there 9 million people in 'the Not in the Labour force' figures on the ONS data?

http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/lms/labour-market-statistics/may-2015/sty-labour-market-statistics--may-2015.html Can't all be retired millionaires, can they?

Labour and the coalition closes 631 jobcentreplus sites - then trumpets that unemployment goes down!

http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200506/cmselect/cmpubacc/1034/6032910.htm Add to that the sanctions and it would wouldn't it!

Why does David Cameron not listen to this man - cut immigration to solve housing crisis!!

http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/581837/MigrationWatch-Lord-Green-of-Deddington-immigration-housing-crisis-property He speaks what we all know to be true, but Cameron ignored his own MAC committee, so assume this will be ignored too!

By 2018 under the conservatives 900,000 civil servants will of lost their jobs!

http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/bradley-allsop/election-result_b_7262824.html Amongst many other losses the conservatives are inflicting - they are more interested in economics than in peoples issues!

Meanwhile Furniture Village mocks bedroom tax payers - you couldn't make it up!

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/firm-mocked-bedroom-tax-victims-5794079 The MP concerned can be contacted at: stephen@stephenmcpartland.co.uk

Meanwhile at WPP Martin Sorrell is going to get 43 million pounds!


Meanwhile, a actual englishman is threatened with deportation!

http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/583150/John-Ninno-Home-Office-deportation-Twitter-troll-South-Shields-Emma-Lewell-Buck We appear to have a totally inept home office! And that all leads to theresa may - AGAIN!

Meanwhile, in Dunstable - man wrestles lorry stowaways to the floor!

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-32942884 And he's a parish councillor!! When Mr Cameron will you control our borders - lets be clear, NO ifs and buts!

Amazon - sited in areas of high unemployment and low economic opportunities - where amazon sites its distribution centres!

http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/dec/01/week-amazon-insider-feature-treatment-employees-work When will the government stop the recruitment agencies from promising full time permanent work when taken on as a temp, but then when we start as a temp, that promise just disappears into thin air very quickly? When Mr Cameron - from the party for 'the working people'? 'At the interview – a form-filling, drug- and alcohol-testing, general-checking-you-can-read session at a local employment agency – we're shown a video. The process is explained and a selection of people are interviewed. "Like you, I started as an agency worker over Christmas," says one man in it. "But I quickly got a permanent job and then promoted and now, two years later, I'm an area manager." Amazon will be taking people on permanently after Christmas, we're told, and if you work hard, you can be one of them. In the Swansea/Neath/Port Talbot area, an area still suffering the body blows of Britain's post-industrial decline, these are powerful words, though it all starts to unravel pretty quickly. There are four agencies who have supplied staff to the warehouse, and their reps work from desks on the warehouse floor. Walking from one training session to another, I ask one of them how many permanent employees work in the warehouse but he mishears me and answers another question entirely: "Well, obviously not everyone will be taken on. Just look at the numbers. To be honest, the agencies have to say that just to get people through the door."

Amazon comes to Dunstable - but with footsore employees does Dunstable want Amazon?

https://www.change.org/p/amazonuk-deliver-the-living-wage-in-2014/u/11036494?tk=aDIQp1VvZmzpnsg85215L50_M8PmjkX9ev4asAvqJW8&utm_source=petition_update&utm_medium=email Judge for yourself from the video on this page!

Iain Duncan Smith branded a 'ratbag' over welfare changes - and their right - he is!