'Sir' Philip Green who saves himself tax by paying a dividend to his wife tina, avoiding 300 million pounds uk tax!
http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2006/jun/18/comment.society The story was in the newspapers last year and in the spring, the BBC's Money Programme calculated that Green and his family had 'saved themselves' £300m from their £1.2bn salary by living for a part of the year in Monaco, whose residents don't pay income tax. Of course, one person's tax break is another person's tax burden. The £300m the Green family 'saved themselves' must be paid by people who earn considerably less than £1.2bn a year or £1.2m a year or even £120,000 a year. If I were in the Inland Revenue, I would fret about the moment when the little people who stupidly still pay taxes realise that the state is treating them like fools. It insists that they must hand over their earnings on pain of punishment by the courts, while inviting Philip Green to Buckingham Palace to be honoured by the Queen.
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