Unemployment in the UK 2008 onwards
Unemployment in the UK 2008 onwards
Saturday, 31 October 2015
& Labour predicted only 13,000 immigrants a year....another lot that deserve a halloween howler!
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-21682810 And again they ignore us because they want the EU as well as the tories and liberals. And the EU undercuts uk residents, paying £900 in travelling costs for interviews, and £1k to the firms to take them on. Where do these politicians come from?
Nick Clegg said immigration to the UK would be just a 'wee trickle' back in 2004...see here!
http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2004/mar/09/politicalcolumnists.eu Amazing how out of touch our politicians are with the electorates views - then again they just ignore the electorate and do what they want! Leaving the electorate up to their necks in it!
Saturday, 10 October 2015
What a vile man Iain Duncan Smith is - and how vile are the opposition to let him carry on - very, i'd say!
Iain Duncan Smith - the man that just is so easy to hate!
Friday, 9 October 2015
Google Business - anyone else just got a email from google asking for feedback where the link doesn't work!!!
From: Google My Business Sent: 09 October 2015 07:15 To: Subject: Google My Business wants your feedback Dear Google Customer, We at Google are asking for your feedback on how we can best meet your business needs. You can count on us to follow through and continue making improvements to our products and services to help you succeed. For example, in our most recent survey, customers told us that they wanted more information about how their business listing appears on Google Search and Maps. So we are working on ways to provide more insights to help you track your business profile online. Please participate in this survey to help us improve the way that we serve you by clicking on the survey button below. It should only take about 10 minutes to complete. Thank you very much! The Google My Business Team (Because this email address is not monitored, please visit the Google My Business Help Centre if you need help with this product or services). © 2015 Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA This email was sent to you because you indicated that you'd like to participate in surveys and pilots on Google My Business. If you don't want to receive such emails in the future, please unsubscribe here. You can also change your preferences on your Google My Business settings page by logging into https://www.google.co.uk/settings/plus.
How many more lies from our politicians are the uk residents to endure?
Conclusive evidence that they don't want you to claim at the jobcentreplus (minus really!!)....
http://data.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/committeeevidence.svc/evidencedocument/work-and-pensions-committee/benefit-sanctions-policy-beyond-the-oakley-review/written/16165.html And yet the 'opposition' parties don't oppose - wonder why?? This means the end for politicians of all parties i reckon!!
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Who is David Cameron?
Julie Etchingham gets it right with the annihilation faux pas years ago!
Monday, 28 September 2015
The Labour Party - they want us to stay in the EU even though UK residents are repeatedly undercut on wages etc!
http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/09/28/uk-britain-eu-labour-idUKKCN0RS25M20150928 yet still they want us to stay in the EU, when we get this done to us: http://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/800000-uk-jobs-advertised-across-europe-and-foreign-jobseekers-even-get-travelling-costs-8734731.html Shockingly poor logic from Labour!
David Cameron seems to have all the booze sorted - yet nothing whatsoever to celebrate!!
The skills gap myth - and why employers won't train anymore and are looking for perfection...
If even the immigrants can't find work after 10 years, why does everyone want to let in more?
Saturday, 26 September 2015
Look at how many have died thanks to Iain Duncan Smith and the DWP!!!!
http://blacktrianglecampaign.org/2014/10/21/uk-welfare-reform-deaths-updated-list-october-21st-2014/ Shocking, and yet STILL the same people are in power!!! How can this be so????
Friday, 25 September 2015
Where is David 'Vaseline' Cameron on the UK's 55% rise in the homeless since 2010?
Nowhere to be seen... http://news.sky.com/story/1558471/england-sleepwalking-into-homelessness-crisis
Wednesday, 23 September 2015
They're here and they are certainly getting plenty of help - whilst the residents sit and watch!!
When is David Cameron going to actually honour a pledge - he's failing spectacularly currently!
Especially immigration and job creation - just don't see his pledges coming to fruition any time soon!
558,000 migrants in 2014 - yet tim farron wants to let even more in!! & would go into coalition again with tories in 2020!!
http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/607228/558-000-migrants-came-here-last-year-huge-rise-even-more-way Yet tim farron would go into coalition AGAIN with David Cameron - perish the thought! http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/sep/23/tim-farron-cameron-trying-to-capitalise-on-picture-aylan-kurdi
Saturday, 19 September 2015
Thanks David 'Vaseline' Cameron for the nightmare that is Wonga!!
Wednesday, 16 September 2015
Jeremy Corbyn - when will he mention unemployment, when there are 9 million parked in the ONS figures?
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-34264683 Amazing!!
Monday, 14 September 2015
Why are the news channels saying benefit deaths due to sanctions is 2,300, when real number is up to 90,000?
Why are they only telling half the story? http://www.rt.com/uk/313623-thousands-killed-benefit-sanctions/ Whereas here its a lot, lot more: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/459106/mortality-statistics-esa-ib-sda.pdf and here too: http://voxpoliticalonline.com/2015/08/27/known-number-of-deaths-while-claiming-incapacity-benefits-nears-100000/ Our press seems to be as bad as our politicians!!!
David 'Vaseline' Cameron visits Lebanon - no need to come back to the UK!
http://www.rt.com/uk/315262-cameron-syrian-refugees-lebanon/ Your neoliberal policies stink, the uk residents have more than had enough of your term of office and you've only been in office 4 months!!
Jeremy Corbyn - pro immigration when we've had the most immigration into the UK we've ever had!
http://jeremycorbyn.org.uk/articles/m-star-the-poisoned-debate-on-immigration/ Labour doesn't learn and doesn't worry about how this all affects residents! http://www.backthemac.com/icts--lost-revenue.html http://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/800000-uk-jobs-advertised-across-europe-and-foreign-jobseekers-even-get-travelling-costs-8734731.html Do the politicians think we are blind, when they repeatedly let them in?
Saturday, 12 September 2015
UN is investigating the DWP over the abuse given to the disabled!!
Friday, 11 September 2015
And still the issues with the Jobcentreplus/DWP carry on...
http://www.edinburghagainstpoverty.org.uk/node/182 One guy couldn't postpone a review despite a very ill member of his family! http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200506/cmselect/cmpubacc/1034/6032910.htm Meanwhile in England they have closed 631 jobcentreplus sites!! And those that do dare to attend, they make life thoroughly miserable for!
Thursday, 10 September 2015
David Cameron pays £1.7 billion that he originally called 'appalling'!!
Social inequality costing 550 lives per day....
Wednesday, 9 September 2015
Danny Alexander claims for 99p bottle of Mr Muscle!!!
Andrew Selous makes a horlicks out of claiming for a horlicks...and he's the MP for dunstable, bedfordshire!
Calling all meat boners - your needed to migrate to Ireland asap!
Tuesday, 8 September 2015
IDS: The proud owner of a brand new bluetooth headset....
ethnically cleansing the english by allowing in unfettered diversity - repeatedly!!!
Monday, 7 September 2015
£900 in travelling costs to come to the uk for interview, then £1k to the firm to take them on!!
No more immigration into the UK - the residents have had enough immigrants undercutting us!
Sunday, 6 September 2015
How does the Metro get away with reporting like this?
The tories get a new twitter account - and they won't like it one bit!!
Saturday, 5 September 2015
How many more migrants is David 'Vaseline' Cameron going to let in?
We give millions more in aid than germany and france - yet we get told we aren't doing enough - its madness!!
Friday, 4 September 2015
The nightmares in charge of our country!!!
How did we end up with these idiots in charge of our once lovely country??
George Osborne - the con artist!!!
Finally theresa may gets the right idea - took years, but she got the idea in the end....
No-one should be harrassed or intimidated at work - fine if IDS does it to jobseekers though!!
http://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/143792/iain-duncan-smith-warns-dangers-religious-discrimination-workplace This man is a complete cretin!!!
How many more immigrants is the UK going to get - we've already had loads more than our dopey PM promised before this!!!
Sanctions are falling because jobseeker claimant numbers are falling because the system uses sanctions unfairly...
https://www.change.org/p/rt-hon-david-cameron-mp-implement-the-recommendations-of-the-benefit-sanctions-policy-beyond-the-oakley-review/u/13020380?tk=kkyF-8vDlaRsm4H3bQPkixs9cTRJN9QyImdVIzLZlIY&utm_source=petition_update&utm_medium=email and http://blog.spicker.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/15-08-Sanctions-Stats-Briefing-D.Webster-Aug-2015.pdf
Thursday, 3 September 2015
This is happening in the UK too...but do we hear anything from the British press??? No...
Funny how he's fixated with benefit cuts - yet David 'Vaseline' Cameron can spend £300,000 of our money on a mobile phone mast!!!
All the news channels keep bleating on about the UK taking more immigrants, but we're swamped already!!!
Iain Duncan Smith - the man who claims for his underpants, haircuts and food for his house - yet the press ignore this, why???
Disabled people affected more by cuts than any other group - see video!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6gIkDt68_0 21 of her friends have lost their benefits...one committed suicide!
Wednesday, 2 September 2015
The nightmare that is the BBC - its completely forgotten the residents issues!!
Gavin Shuker - another Labour Party christian, who is like the rest - totally out of touch with the electorate!!
https://vimeo.com/88452711 He's missed the vulnerable, but seems to be doing fine himself!!
Stephen Timms - a man who cannot get to grips with Iain Duncan Smith whatsoever!!
Andrew Selous - the man who seems to think that there are still jobs out there for residents...
Just in case someone waves a pink card when your next in jobcentreplus....
Tuesday, 1 September 2015
Now the diversity is hiding in the engine bays of cars and even in suitcases....
David 'Vaseline' Cameron: can't even get the referendum question right!!!
Julie Etchingham - told off for telling the truth!!!
Now the firefighters are using transit vans to fight fires with....
Severely disabled man has to prove he is fit for work - yet Iain Duncan Smith keeps his job, how is that??
How does Iain Duncan Smith keep his job??
Now the United Nations are going to probe the DWP - question is, what took them so long???
David 'Vaseline' Cameron: why have you done nothing to implement the Oakley reports findings???
http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201415/cmselect/cmworpen/814/814.pdf Party of the working people, what a load of old cobblers cameron comes out with repeatedly!!!
Benefit sanctions beyond the Oakley review petition...
Saturday, 29 August 2015
Rather than talking a load of sewage, David 'Vaseline' Cameron goes surfing in it instead....
Amazing how the press seems to miss out the deaths due to IDS - not even on the front pages!!
Have to ask why that is? How many more people have to die before it becomes newsworthy? https://kittysjones.wordpress.com/2015/03/18/suicides-reach-a-ten-year-high-and-are-linked-with-welfare-reforms/
Friday, 28 August 2015
Underwhelming James Brokenshire - Immigration minister - isn't it time he went???
How many more people have got to die, before David 'Vaseline' Cameron gets up and does something??
The bbc and itv news - where is the reporting of the plight of the UK unemployed????
It has quite literally disappeared....
Mortality statistics from the DWP - shocking reading....
Thursday, 27 August 2015
Now anyone with a brain is not claiming jobseekers as all you get are sanctions, so unemployment is up, but the figures are down due to this...!!
Over 1 million unemployed people don't claim jobseekers allowance....
Thinking of going to Poland - read this!!!
Iain Duncan Smith - 99 deaths per day or 692 per week to his benefits purge...
2,500 benefit claimants that where found fit for work died...Iain Duncan Smith - surely you'll resign now???
Perhaps David 'Vaseline' Cameron will come back from his holidays promptly now to sort this fiasco out...???
Steria Recruitment - useless
Once again, recruitment agencies up to their old tricks of not reading the cv, just cherry picking words out of the cv using software to do so.. so the candidate never gets a job that matches!! And still they win stuff - incredible!! http://www.soprasteria.co.uk/newsroom/news-single/sopra-steria-recruitment-shortlisted-for-apsco-award-for-excellence-2015 To: "Tom MEREDITH"
Wednesday, 26 August 2015
Even the guy who advertised Universal Credit thinks a nightmare....
David PR Cameron: tax credits - the ones he wasn't going to slash before the election, and then like a traitor, did!!!
David PR Cameron: praises disabled man, whilst in the background is putting him through the bedroom tax!!!
David PR Cameron does the opening scene of baywatch - not for the faint hearted!
Iain Duncan Smith on his false leaflets - refuses to resign...
http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/iain-duncan-smith-refuses-resign-6310450 The most annoying man imaginable is IDS - In Deep Shit!!
Iain Duncan Smith cartoon...
DWP staff given guidance on dealing with claimants who are suicidal - i suspect most of them!!!
The EU is paying diversity to come to the UK....
Isn't it time Theresa May got the sack?
http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/600799/asylum-seekers-migrant-crisis-judge-court-justice-Theresa-May-Home-Secretary-politics Teflon theresa can let anything happen and David PR Cameron keeps on letting her carry on...
Tomorrow, they announce 8 million immigrants have arrived in the UK - your a failure David PR Cameron!!!
Ex - RBS boss just keeps winning - unlike the taxpayer...
David PR Cameron - at least he's having fun - no really, he is, honest - hes not worried about us one jot!!
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
More pillar and post with goff daft...
Who is goff daft?
The conservatives - using sanctions to stitch up the claimant for jobseekers, so they are not on the claimant figures!!
The nightmare that is David Cameron - again!!!
DWP do not class mental health issues as a vulnerable person...
The millions lost in tax every year - because employers want staff to be self employed!!
Bet Iain Duncan Smith daren't go back to glasgow after saying he will give compassionate conservativism in 2002!!!
Lets make this amount of people redundant - Jobcentreplus in june - then go and rehire another lot in August!!
Is there any low that Iain Duncan Smith won't stoop too...
Monday, 24 August 2015
Watch the video: I will kill myself if i have to return to the sudan...and ITV lets him say it at 6:30pm at night!
http://www.itv.com/news/2015-08-03/migrant-on-arriving-in-uk-from-calais-it-was-my-dream-come-true/ Whilst we sit here with no work, as we are undercut everywhere we go for work etc..
How did we end up with Stephen Timms as shadow employment minister - he really is utterly useless!!!!
Sunday, 23 August 2015
This looks like it might be a absolute pig from george osborne...phasing in from 2017...
Make what you will of this...
Another lot that are totally mad - UKIP we know you want to do the same things as the tories when it comes to welfare!!!
All going on out there!!!
So the migrants switch to another port when the one at calais doesn't work...nice work Dave!!
When 318,000 immigrants into the UK is never enough...
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/indian-restaurants-to-lobby-david-cameron-for-shortterm-work-visas-to-plug-chef-shortage-10467463.html http://www.migrationwatchuk.org/latest-immigration-statistics Rather than keep on letting them in, how about training the residents to fill these roles? Nah, didn't think so - rather keep on letting them all in!!
How the bbc keeps on ignoring the jobseeker, and jobserve is utterly useless at protecting the jobseeker!! Lose lose!
------- Forwarded message ------- From: "Simon Ball" To: "haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk"
Saturday, 22 August 2015
How does Iain Duncan Smith get away with sanctioning 92 out of every 100 people???
What's the benefit you can't get if you own your own home, or at the other end of the scale, are homeless....???
Worried about hacking??? Well the bbc news got hacked by the government in 2002 - so nothing much has changed, has it??
Kelvin Hopkins: sitting next to Iain Duncan Smith - says it all!!
Iain Duncan Smith (Again!!!): If you or I did this we would of had the sack long ago!!
Iain Duncan Smith (Again!!!): How does he keep his job??? We're all dying to know - over to David PR Cameron!!!
Friday, 21 August 2015
David PR Cameron: the french do what they want, whereas we have to toe the EU line, why is that Dave??
David PR Cameron: Banging the drum with Nick Boles over apprenticeships, but refuses to create well paid jobs!!
David PR Cameron: nothing stopping these bangladeshis from signing on...yet they sanction everyone else off!!
Unemployed and with no internet access: mind you there is such a lack of jobs thanks to David PR Cameron anyway!!
Theresa May: in a right old mess again!!!
http://www.politics.co.uk/blogs/2015/08/17/home-office-drug-advisers-try-to-clear-up-theresa-may-s-mess And still getting away with it - is David Cameron shagging her??
Iain Duncan Smith: even his teacher thinks he doesn't understand the poor!!!
David PR Cameron in Norfolk - having to promote apprenticeships as he refuses to create well paid jobs!!
David PR Cameron: no ifs no buts, but even so, he still cannot get to grips with immigration!!!
http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/record-levels-of-immigration-to-britain-david-cameron-should-take-the-increase-as-a-compliment-10464574.html As one migration expert put it: “The easiest thing Cameron could do to get the numbers down would be to crash the economy.” Looks like he is on track for that...along with trashing all of the residents as well!!
Thursday, 20 August 2015
Now all the ministers are visiting the ports - and know we are stuffed!! How does Theresa May keep her job??
George Osborne - everyone elses fault apart from his silly policies!!!
2012: One day cameron says he doesn't want a referendum, then the next he says he does...
2012: Calls for George Osborne to resign - yet he's still here screwing it all up - why??
David PR Cameron: the incompetent running the UK into the floor....!!!
July 2015 - immigration up 175% on last year into the EU!!
Calais - now the violence!!
Theresa May - finally she gets herself over to Calais - and Labour wants aid for the migrants - crazy fools - stop them coming in, thats what we all want!!
Cameron tells Chilcott to get on with it - yet we wish he would get on with the issues we face with the EU and doesn't!!!
David Cameron on reforming the EU - votes NO 23 times and it still goes through!!! Been like it for 19 years!!
http://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/599473/EU-Britain-five-years In decisive votes where regulations and decisions were being finally adopted between 2010 and this year, the UK voted No 23 times and abstained 18 times, the new research shows. In each case the measure went through anyway, often with potential to cost British taxpayers billions. It also suggests that although Britain seems to pick its fights by formally objecting in only a relatively few cases, its No has now not stopped a measure put to a vote from going through for at least 19 years. DAVID CAMERON - YOU ARE USELESS!!!
Isn't this cannabalism - one tub of lard eats another tub of lard!!
The DWP - so successful they are finding jobs for dogs and parrots!!
Wednesday, 19 August 2015
At last a politician wakes up to the effects of Iain Duncan Smith!!
Iain Duncan Smith (Again!!!): He's doing all he can to stop the releasing of figures for benefit related deaths...again!!
Lets be clear - we don't think David PR Cameron can renegotiate the EU - just ask any UK resident!!!
Now the DWP use false claimants to spin that the sanctions are good for the claimant...
Whilst the immigration gets work with no difficulty even with no papers, David PR Cameron is unconcerned about unemployed residents!!
Tuesday, 18 August 2015
No mention of austerity here either...!! https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/manifesto2015/ConservativeManifesto2015.pdf How surreal is that??
Monday, 17 August 2015
Will you still be on facebook after reading this?
David PR Cameron: No shortage of money when its Africa - only when its for the UK!!!
David PR Cameron: if the consumer took the prime minister seriously we'd be in real trouble - October 2011 - we are!!!
David PR Cameron: rewrites speech after telling us to pay off our debts, which would increase the term of the recession!!
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/conservative/8808294/David-Cameron-rewrites-conference-speech-after-credit-card-gaffe.html How did we end up with him again???
George Osborne = squirming again!!!
Nick 'Hopeless' Clegg: No mention of austerity in 2010 manifesto either - wonder why???
David PR Cameron: Once again the residents lose when it comes to 'diversity' - UK!!
Sunday, 16 August 2015
Labour - only interested in 'diversity' not the white, resident voter in the UK!!
------- Forwarded message ------- From: "Simon Ball" <> To: "hopkinsk@parliament.uk"
A masterclass in how to be inept (stupid) from our illustrious leaders - once again!!
Obama - the worst president of the USA the world has ever seen - get off the golf course and start doing some work!!
Saturday, 15 August 2015
Why when there are no jobs for the residents are UK charities asking for more immigrants to be allowed in???
BBC boss compares migrants to holy family of Joseph, Mary and Jesus - give me strength!!!
We definitely don't want Yvette Cooper if she thinks we need more migrants in the UK!!!
Yet more proof of the failed EU project to have open borders throughout the EU...
Am I the only one who doesn't think the BBC should be doing Songs of Praise from Calais migrant camp?
David Cameron wants more immigration - welcome to england - 55 people in 3 houses!!
Slave Labour - at the Labour Party of all places - some are working 9 months for free with no travelling expenses!!!
Immigration - now they're even using the space for a spare wheel...
George Osbornes tax credit cuts - that David Cameron said he wouldn't do!
David Camerons swimmers ear - he's probably the only one who doesn't find his speeches intensely irritating!!
Sick of the bbc missing all the issues affecting the unemployed - complain here!!!
The bbc misses the issues in the UK but finds all of them abroad with no hassle - why is that?
Friday, 14 August 2015
Where is George 'Gideon' Osborne when you need him? Not here - these people are about to be repossessed...
George 'Gideon' Osborne - another 250 Sure Start centres to go under the tories...
PR David Cameron - surrounds himself with the pretty people, but never gets anything actually done...
the peer that claims £300 per day for a few yards walk to work - August 2015!!
Now the french are threatening to open the calais borders...where is David Cameron??
The EU - out of touch, hopeless at policy and implementation and stuck in the past when it comes to immigration and jobs!
European court of justice wants us to open our benefits system to welfare tourists....
http://www.express.co.uk/comment/expresscomment/351744/European-Union-deserves-a-prize-for-being-useless If this is NOT what you want, tell them here: http://curia.europa.eu/jcms/jcms/T5_5133/
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
NHS: Converting fire engines into ambulances, erecting tents as so full up - its a nightmare!!! 2015
Why are the news media so lax on reporting issues with unemployed?
ITV, BBC, Channel 4 - just don't get from a to b with the issues we face... Conservatives have made the lives of the unemployed a living nightmare! http://www.examiner.co.uk/news/west-yorkshire-news/jobseekers-allowance-sanction-figures-soar-9372959 We go to the Labour Party, and the Liberal democrats and that makes no difference either. We complain to the conservatives, to the DWP, to jobcentreplus, to the Ombudsman, to the Press regulator - no change! Not good enough...the public is getting roasted!!
Immigration: 900 are reaching the UK every month...
Immigration: No ifs or buts in 2011 - pledge to reduce immigration - but still it goes up!!! Now its a ambition, not a pledge!!
http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/may/19/david-cameron-reiterates-commitment-to-cutting-net-migration but he's been very active on sanctions: http://www.examiner.co.uk/news/west-yorkshire-news/jobseekers-allowance-sanction-figures-soar-9372959 92 out of every 100 have got a sanction - hardly fair in todays jobs market that is full to brimming with cheap labour!!
David Cameron - claimed £1000 a month for mortgage - i kid you not!
Tuesday, 11 August 2015
The migrant who burgled 19 homes...
http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/554595/Slovakian-burglar-Robert-Slepcik-jailed-five-years-19-homes-UK?_ga=1.176433125.1363567038.1439321731 Why isn't he sent back??
EU: Now producing childrens comic books to promote the EU to schools...what a farce!!
EU: the lift to nowhere, whilst we all face crippling austerity...
EU - even splashed out on a machine that peels grapes, whilst we all endure austerity...
EU - so in touch with austerity they're spending £2 million on silver service cutlery etc...
Is this the only man that can't stay away from the EU??
The worlds not ready for three terms of Cameron...
Thatcher knew all about neoliberalism and did it anyway...
Another load of government top IT brass are leaving in Sept - none stay very long!!
David Cameron: making a absolute horlicks of immigration - policy and implementation!!
The Home Office let in 86,000 immigrants to the UK last year who had no job offer....why?
------- Forwarded message ------- From: "Simon Ball" To: public.enquiries@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk Cc: Subject: Re: Why are resident workers in the IT industry ignored when it comes to intra company transfers? July 2015 - Theresa May. Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2015 14:43:16 +0100 Good afternoon, So once again, the home office is watching the horse ride away from the open gate... In 2014, 86,000 europeans came to the UK with no job offer - why on earth did the government let them in then?? We keep hearing there is a shortage of workers yet the ones that come in have no work either...!! It is STUPID to keep on letting in more and more diversity with no jobs for them to go to!! So why, oh why, does the government keep on and on and on doing it??? Simon Ball On Mon, 10 Aug 2015 11:45:10 +0100,
Monday, 10 August 2015
George Osborne: Help to Buy scheme gets 60% less take it up than the chancellor wanted...
Calais crisis that won't go away - syrians now boasting of how easy it is to get to the UK, whilst David Cameron on hols!!
PR David Cameron - even contradicting his foreign secretary now...
Sunday, 9 August 2015
Jeremy Hunt: is it possible for him to do anything useful?
They refuse to close the borders, then wonder why there are immigrants in the back of lorries....
Now they're even checking public workers can speak clear English - well done, David Cameron for letting them in in the first place!!!
David Cameron has a cool beer whilst Eurotunnel threatens to sue the government...
First Patricia Scotland, then Mark Harper - the government can't even check its own cleaners immigration papers!!
Saturday, 8 August 2015
The police now want us to email them if burgled in the UK - how daft is that??
Calais - the latest is the migrants have guessed the code to a gate - so can get through again!!
Even more EU integration planned - will it ever end - even though no-one seems to want it...
Where is Cameron on Calais crisis - still nowhere to be seen...
G4S seems to think british people should learn polish to get jobs with them...
& now the poles are set to go on strike...
BBC Songs of Praise to come from calais migrant camp...here's how to have your say on it!!
http://www.bbc.co.uk/complaints/ http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/596717/BBC-Songs-of-Praise-Calais-migrant-Jungle-camp-Ehtiopian-church
Why is the bbc doing songs of praise from the calais migrant camp??
http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/596717/BBC-Songs-of-Praise-Calais-migrant-Jungle-camp-Ehtiopian-church A waste of my licence fee...
Northern Rock sorts out the whistleblower, but not the banks own issues...
25 people at the heart of the financial crash...
Isn't it funny how Harriet Harman ignores all the major issues??
harriet.harman.mp@parliament.uk You know like, lack of jobs, diversity undercutting the residents, shopping centres full of charity shops and huge chains with half of the shops empty, zero hour contracts, lack of even contract jobs, how the jobcentreplus has been closed down and the unemployed treated like scum - where is she on all of this???
Out of work in the UK - look at what the government has done...!!!
Asylum seekers get £90 initial payment plus £36 per week..from the home office, whilst residents of the uk get sanctions!!
Harriet Harman - migrants are people, not insects - to david cameron!
Harriet Harmann and the 'ginger rodent...
Get a job with Andy Coulson - never have to check your voicemails again...
How much all the retired ministers make on the after dinner speech circuit...
George 'Gideon' Osborne - the selling off of RBS!!
George 'Gideon' Osborne - I'm alright jack, no recession here...
Meanwhile Fred 'the shred' Goodwin escapes showing his emails etc from the crash....
George 'Gideon' Osborne as you have never seen him before...
Friday, 7 August 2015
Eric Pickles interview on 3 day volunteering pledge by the tories...
David Camerons 9 lies....12 weeks into his term...
Are you unemployed and can't figure out why - well its probably to do with this...!!!
Thursday, 6 August 2015
Why telling the truth always lands you in hot water in the UK...
Isn't it time David Cameron stopped pointing at fish in Cornwall and returned to sort out the Calais crisis???
More on Calais whilst David Cameron chillaxes...again!!! And the state of the art fences blow down!!!
http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/keith-vaz/calais-summer-crisis_b_7913228.html Calais is already too late Time and again, we have said that once these migrants and refugees reach Calais, it is already too late. Anecdotal evidence suggests that migrants are usually in the town for an average of only three months, with 70% of the camps empty by the end of that time. In many cases, this is because they have been successful in entering the UK. In March the Committee stated: "We find it bizarre that there are thousands of attempts to enter the UK illegally through Calais, at great cost and inconvenience to business and leisure travellers, transport companies, and hauliers, and yet the people who are caught are simply released back into the French countryside" By simple logic, this approach ensures that this problem cannot be resolved in any sense of the word. When caught, these individuals should either be granted asylum in France, or removed. The Mayor of Calais has been alerting us to this problem for the last year. Whilst she is wrong to point to the UK as the problem, she is correct to stand up for her long suffering citizens. Left unchecked, this issue will simply fuel the influence of the far right in France, to the detriment of President Hollande and Ms Bouchart.
David Cameron/George Osborne - leave out the bad statistics, and only concentrate on the (good?) news...
Meanwhile, Jobcentreplus won't even let you use their toilet -even if disabled!!!
The government knew all along about the undercutting of resident workers by migrants - 2009!!
Not even David Cameron thought he would win - he was practicing his resignation speech over and over!!!
The Netherlands are doing worse than the UK - because they are using austerity!!!
http://benjaminstudebaker.com/2015/05/06/13-terrible-tory-counterarguments/ We also have research from the IMF stating that this correlation exists and explaining what causes it–the multiplier effect. When the government eliminates a dollar of spending, the person who would have received that dollar must also reduce spending. For instance, if the government cuts a teacher’s salary, that teacher might not buy a new car, which means lower sales for the car dealership, the car manufacturer, and the other industries that serve the manufacturer. If the government cuts many people’s salaries (or worse, fires people), this can add up to a significant amount of money that is not moving through the economy, resulting in losses for many businesses. These businesses may try to remain solvent by cutting wages or laying off their own workers, thereby decreasing those workers’ purchasing power, and so on in a negative feedback loop. These businesses also have less income to pay tax on, so the government collects less revenue, worsening its fiscal position. The IMF talked about that, too. Fraud: In 2012-2013, fraud only accounted for 2.1% of the welfare budget. In other years the figure is as low as 0.7%. People who make the fraud argument are deeply misinformed about the basics of this debate. Research shows that on average, British voters think that 27% of the welfare budget is lost to fraud, which is wildly inaccurate. Iraq: The Tories supported the Iraq War too. Do we really believe that a Tory government wouldn’t have joined the Bush administration in Iraq? Do we really think that without British support, America would have stayed out of Iraq? I think the answer to both questions is clearly “no”. In any case, Iraq is a foreign policy issue, and it has nothing to do with the efficacy (or lack thereof) of the coalition government’s austerity policies. Britain is now acting like the United States sometimes does. It’s ignoring the international research on austerity, becoming too consumed with its own narrow domestic debate. The international research is clear, but too many British people are living in denial, presuming that Britain is the exception to the rule. When my country denies the efficacy of single payer or gun control, I hope that foreign writers step up and point out our error. When I see Britain making the same kind of mistake with austerity, I step up and point it out not to insult or deride Britain, but to help it be a better place for all of its people.
Please stop David Cameron!!! Must read - why austerity will not pull us out of this depression!!!
http://benjaminstudebaker.com/2015/05/02/britain-for-the-love-of-god-please-stop-david-cameron/ Let me be clear–austerity reduces growth so much that it undercuts government revenue and prevents governments from shrinking their deficits. I wrote about this at the time. It was and remains shockingly clear evidence that austerity was and is failing even to reduce debt and deficits. The UK is in a significantly worse fiscal position than it was in 5 years ago. The UK performed worse than France, a country that the Wall Street Journal accused of “descending into ridiculousness”. In the first two years, Cameron’s government put up numbers that were worse than Spain’s. Spain is a basket case–even today, Spain has an unemployment rate over 20%. Had it maintained the trajectory it was on from 2009-2010, Britain could have been doing as well as Germany in 2012. What the numbers really suggest is that Britain could be much further along now if it had avoided austerity to begin with. But voters have short memories, and because the British economy has been improving since the austerity slowed down, the conservatives remain electorally competitive: To be clear, Cameron’s Conservative Party is in blue. The Labour Party is red, hard-right UKIP is in purple, the centrist liberal democrats are orange, and the hard-left greens are, obviously, green. This is disturbing, because the Conservative Party promises to continue cutting government spending by a further 2% over the next two years if it is returned to power. This would not be as fast as the rate of cutting from 2010-2012, but it would be faster than the rate from 2012-2014. This will only serve to hinder British growth further. According to Oxfam, the government’s austerity policies have devastated Britain’s middle and working classes in a variety of ways: As a result of austerity, an addition 800,000 British children will live in poverty over the next decade. Over the same period, 1.5 million working age adults will fall into poverty. By 2018, 900,000 public sector workers will have lost their jobs. The bottom 10% of British earners will have seen their incomes fall 38% over this government’s five year term. Indeed, when we adjust for inflation, British workers have seen continual reductions in their wages over the course of this parliament: In sum, this austerity serves no economic purpose–its exists because the Conservative Party wants to cut the welfare state so it can reduce taxes on the rich and for no other reason. The Labour Party has done a bad job of attacking austerity–indeed, it promises to prioritize cuts as well. There are however two key differences: Instead of cutting the deficit 2% over 2 years, Labour promises to eliminate the deficit a little bit at a time each year, which implies a cut of about 0.4% per year for five years–this is not good for the economy by any means, but it is less bad than a quick 2% cut. The composition of the cuts will be different. The conservatives promise to avoid increasing most taxes, and some they even plan to cut (including inheritance tax, which targets the wealthy and affluent). This forces the conservatives to make deeper cuts to benefits and to the welfare state to achieve their budgetary goals. Labour promises to raise taxes on the rich, which will offset cuts in other areas and facilitate a decrease in tuition fees from £9,000 to £6,000. This is not by any means an ideal alternative–Labour has done little to combat the Conservative Party’s narrative that the debt poses an existential economic threat to the UK. Austerity is not an effective way to fight debt, but Labour has not challenged this claim and as a result it has become part of what ordinary British voters consider common knowledge. As a result, it has become impossible to be taken seriously in British politics if one does not promise significant spending cuts. Even the Greens are promising to focus on the debt, though their manifesto calls almost exclusively for tax increases. This is remarkable, considering that UK borrowing costs are at historic lows, indicating a high level of confidence in the UK’s solvency (and a low level of confidence in its future economic trajectory):
Why you can't believe a word David Cameron says....the worst economy since the 1850s is here!!!
http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/feb/16/david-cameron-workers-friend The research also shows that while average pay has fallen by £2,500 in real terms since 2010, the real-terms earnings of FTSE 100 CEOs have shot up by £700,000 on average – no doubt helped along by those vanilla tax arrangements which apparently “everyone” enjoys.
Wednesday, 5 August 2015
Now rather than shut the border at Calais, they want to go to Africa to find out why they want to come...
EU dishes out £33 million to stop the issues at Calais - no change as yet!!
Calais - now they are encouraged to lie about their sexuality to get into the UK!!!
Calais - the nightmare that Cameron tries to ignore...!!
If Philip Hammond and David Cameron think Calais is getting better they are mightily deluded!!!
Eddie George - Bank of England governor who got it all taken away to the FSA...
And now for some humour - tax evasion and how the Labour party saw it in 1997...
Meanwhile Gordon Brown denies boom and bust...
What happens when no-one is sure who can pay back the cash....
Why you can never trust a politician - David Cameron and Gordon Brown, pre crash and afterwards...
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
David Cameron - he thinks he can change the EU, yet this proves it is nigh on impossible...
EU - spends £6 billion euros in the UK, and gets from us £14 billion euros...
Why is the United Nations not acting on how the jobseeker in the UK is treated - defies belief that they do nothing!!!
The EU is prefinancing the UK's migration issues....
Whats wrong with uk residents getting the jobs in their country, rather than the EU paying immigrants to come and take them?
EU - paid to take jobs away from british workers...
When will the British Government start to employ residents over diversity in the UK???
Kent Council can't fund a care home, but they can if its for immigrants....how did we end up with councils like this?
605,592 sanctions doled out in 2014 by the DWP...
http://www.rt.com/uk/311475-tories-misled-benefit-sanctions/ Doesn't sound helpful to the unemployed - yet all we hear from the tories is how its working in getting people back into work - i rather suspect the opposite!!
Meanwhile we have the Prime Minister and the Home Office minister both on holiday at the same time, during a crisis!!
Why are these people stranded in a travellodge on the M1 whilst the tories find homes for immigrants?
Only the tories want to be the 'heir to blair' - everyone else is sick to death of him!!!
Even one of David Camerons own ministers admit benefit sanctions are inhumane, yet still they use them.....!!!
Isn't it obvious sanctions do not work if few return to work even after their use???
If unemployment is going down, why have some areas had 92 out of every 100 jobseekers sanctioned??
Monday, 3 August 2015
Up to 900 migrants reaching the UK per month - yet Cameron is on holiday!!!!
Useless cameron - never where he is needed, why is that?
Cameron the serial chillaxer...whilst the country rots!!!
Unbelievable - David Cameron (Prime Minister) and Theresa May (Home Office) are both on holiday at the SAME time!!!
Couple stranded at Travelodge as council has shortage of council housing....bedfordshire!!
David Cameron needs to cancel his holiday in Cornwall and fix this pronto...
2011 to 2014 - 1.9 million sanctions imposed by DWP - no wonder there are no unemployed on jobcentreplus...
Jeremy Hunt: the man who is so out of touch, its amazing he even knows the day of the week he is on?
George Osborne has a meeting with Rupert Murdoch before announcing cuts to the BBC....
No wonder no-one is going to the dole anymore - 605,592 sanctions to benefit claimants last year.
Tripping up the disabled - the DWP way!!!
David Cameron joins the standing ovation for Tony Blairs speech....!!!
Thank God he's going,' George Osborne, the shadow chancellor, texted a friend after being wowed by Blair's last party conference speech.
Got a baby? - “Congratulations! It’s a burden on the rest of us.” according to Dave sunning himself in cornwall again!!!
Tony Blair - has virtually the same policies as David Cameron does - all in it together, oh yes, right up to our necks!!!
David Cameron makes lingerie tycoon a lord - and we all ask why??
Hilary Clinton says what we all know - and no doubt will get lynched for it!!
Saturday, 1 August 2015
When will the tories come clean on benefit deaths??
Windows 10 - not good if you have porn!!
More on the nightmare tories...
Colin Powell and those ******* crazies in the bush administration...
David Cameron sends tony blairs speech on iraq to his constituents...i kid you not!!!
Dealing with the press is like 'swimming in sh*t'
The tories "One Nation" - more "one issue" - immigration!!! And this was 2005...
Thursday, 30 July 2015
If windows update fails, try here....
Windows 10 available here if windows update fails: http://venturebeat.com/2015/07/29/how-to-download-and-install-windows-10-without-using-windows-update/
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
Disability News Service has been trying since autumn 2014 to find out about the 49 deaths caused by the DWP...
Talk of a cover-up by the DWP over 49 deaths caused by them...
PIP - and not a single apology from the DWP under the grinning IDS...
PIP - Personal Independence Payments - the truth?
Tuesday, 28 July 2015
Meanwhile the severely sick are still being sanctioned under the tories!!
Even some of David Camerons senior ministers don't like the benefit cuts - yet still they go on!!!
Further education - in a hell of a mess!!!
------- Forwarded message ------- From: "Simon Ball" To: "enquiries@offa.org.uk"
The EU dream - no workers rights left if your a resident of the UK - your undercut!
http://www.no2eu.com/?page_id=56 To ferry workers across Europe to carry out jobs that local workers can be trained to perform is an environmental, economic and social nonsense. If ‘food-miles’ represent an unacceptably large carbon footprint, then ‘labour-miles’ and shunting human beings around Europe in the pursuit of profit is even more damaging. In the 1980s recession Tory minister Norman Tebbit famously told the unemployed to ‘get on their bikes’ to look for work. Now well-shod government ministers advise workers in Britain ‘to get on a plane’ and find work elsewhere in the EU!
The EU dream - turns into a complete shambles with 1 in 8 european workers unemployed!!
Monday, 27 July 2015
In IT in america - it certainly isn't good there either!!!
Disturbing jobs market...july 2015
Universal Credit: a nightmare from Iain Duncan Smith!!!
Labour just doesn't 'get it' either - Rachel Reeves is hopeless!!!
And thats the end of 38 degrees - fine if you stick with the diversity, but not interested in residents issues of the UK!!!
------- Forwarded message ------- From: "Campaigns by You"
The drip that is Nick Boles - even the apprenticeships aren't worth the paper they are printed on...
Jeremy Hunt again: He's going before a Commons Select Committee - they must be very busy!!
Jobcentreplus based therapy...a nightmare again from Iain Duncan Smith!!!
David Cameron - once again immigrants get priority over residents....when will it end?
One week before the Agricultural Wages Board goes thanks to David Cameron - and big business is the only ones to profit!!
David Cameron - wants to get rid of 200 years of worker rights - yet calls himself the party of the working people???
http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/david-cameron-strike-reform-plans-6093832 They even want to know of facebook and twitter accounts under union names...so they can monitor them!
Sunday, 26 July 2015
Iain Duncan Smith: the nightmare....
Saturday, 25 July 2015
1/3rd of ex council houses now owned by private landlord...
Wellingborough Tory MP Peter Bone is truly loathed in his constituency by the sound of things....
The tories - held off the bad news till after the election!!
The nasty party's back - David Camerons party just hit the buffers!!!
Terminally ill cancer patients told 'to work or starve' - yes, its our old friend IDS
BBC Question Time audience bias towards Cameron!!
Why the Independent Newspaper isn't very errr....independent!!!
Nick Clegg - the tory initially...
http://conservativehome.blogs.com/centreright/2008/04/nick-cleggs-tor.html Explains why he was utterly useless!!!
90 year old granny gets asked to attend jobcentreplus interview - your never too old for In Deep Sh*t (Iain Duncan Smith)
Inquiry into benefit delivery at jobcentreplus - be sure to send them your comments on jobcentreplus!
Even the DWP writes its own reports on how bad the benefits sanctions are...yet nothing changes!!!
Coalition wages war on disabled and sick with 580% rise in sanctions!!!
David Cameron: How did you allow Iain Duncan Smith to do this to the residents of the UK??
David Cameron gives away £415 million to charity that gives mosquito nets to people who use them for everything but...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3172936/Last-minute-415m-foreign-aid-giveaway-hit-Cameron-s-target.html And the staff appear to be on £129,000 each too...
Tax - David Cameron and George Osborne can't even get their own tax in order....
Meanwhile, on David Camerons visit to Malaysia, they're worried about the corruption with their leaders, not ours...
David Cameron: new slogan: One Nation / One United Kingdom - laughable isn't it - when even the Muslims feel under attack from him!!!
David Cameron pledges to save public toilets after halving the number of them available...
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/11760393/David-Cameron-pledges-to-save-Britains-public-loos.html And he even puts business rates on them.... Makes you want to go doesn't it??
David Cameron and IDS keep telling us poverty is going down - but no-one else agrees!!!
Tony Blair: very badly brought up - Chirac!
Spoof IDS band - how long before David Cameron says he 'like's the music??
Iain Duncan Smith: By all accounts he likes Eminem!
Iain Duncan Smith (Again!!!): the man that refuses to listen to commonsense repeatedly!!!
Jeremy Hunt: in charge of a poorly NHS - but then he wants to privatise it and he's made no secret of it!!!
Managers in the NHS flying abroad for workers whilst trained ones at home can't get work!!!
Friday, 24 July 2015
Petition to stop the EU paying £900 to migrants to come to the UK for job interviews..
https://www.change.org/p/european-commission-jeffrey-lamb-stop-paying-immigrants-900-to-come-to-uk-for-interview Please sign and pass on...
Calais's Operation Stack at Calais, shouldn't that be Operation Pratt for David Camerons handling of it?
The MP that uses extortoniate expense claims to talk about the expenses scandal!!!
Camerons wife - working for tax avoiders!!
Can't do this, can't do that? We can and we WILL!!
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-33253209 Because when the UK's residents are undercut for jobs, no-one seems to care!!! Especially the politicians who seem to think we are all powerless...
What exactly does David Cameron do?
http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2010/dec/05/cameron-civil-servant-diary No-ones really that sure in 2010 - and its worse now in 2015!
Isn't it about time David Cameron helped sort out Calais???
Thanks to David Cameron even the school holidays now are not fun for millions!
Its amazing that this goes on - all thanks to David Camerons policies!!
https://katharinequarmby.wordpress.com/2015/07/22/disability-hate-crime-motivation-survey-results/ Some of the stuff in here is just amazing - how did the UK become so uncaring? David Cameron - the man who made us all hate the disabled for being...disabled!
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
New e-petitions website opens in UK and it is a lousy affair!!
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-33599604 And the government gives us only this way of voicing our opinions and then pretty much ignores it by giving it no time in parliament! Before you can start a petition you have to send it to five people via email before it can go on the website! Awful system...
So many scandals from our politicians - heres a list!!!
All tories are corrupt!!!
Rather than worry about the UKs jobs crisis - David Cameron's worried about being photo'd pointing at fish....!!!!!!!!
Even Paddy Ashdown thinks David Cameron is dangerous!!
Iain Duncan Smith (Again!!!): Overpays £4.6 billion worth of benefits and underpays another £1.6 billion - he's useless!!!
7 days a week NHS - the nurses story!! And its harrowing - on 12.5 hour shifts!!
Whilst David Cameron has three holidays in August: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/david-cameron-set-spend-most-6098599 whilst a nurse is doing 12.5 hour shifts 7 days a week to make ends meet... http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/nurses-harrowing-letter-david-cameron-6103265#rlabs=1
Talk of income tax and national insurance to be merged - sure they'll mess that up!!
Office for National Statistics numbers that are 'Not in the Labour force'...its millions!!!
One Nation - All in it together - Lets be clear - Hard choices ahead All David Camerons 'catchphrases' - yet how can he claim unemployment is coming down with these figures??? Oh yeah, he doesn't care - he's going to have three holidays instead!!! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3167076/Chillaxing-Cameron-August-great-beleiver-politicians-taking-holidays.html He took 15 holidays between 2010 and 2014!! http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/lms/labour-market-statistics/july-2015/sty-labour-market-statistics--july-2015.html
Having so many troubles with work it is leading to depression etc.?
http://www.bbmh.manchester.ac.uk/cmhs/research/centreforsuicideprevention/nci/contactus Tell them what we the unemployed is having to go through to find work in the UK!!!
Iain Duncan Smith (Again!!): leaving 29,000 destitute and not caring a jot!!!
A shocking indictment of IDS welfare reforms....the man too poor too eat!!
https://audioboom.com/boos/2713731-such-a-heartbreaking-call-the-man-too-poor-to-eat And that was 2014!!! Its even worse now... Truly heartbreaking - yet the politicians get a wage rise!!
Iain Duncan Smith (Again!!!): What on earth prompted David Cameron to go back for more of this guy???
Iain Duncan Smith (Again!!!): the nickname even his mates call him - see below!!
http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2015/04/dinner-iain-duncan-smith-even-fine-wine-couldn-t-wash-away-taste-my-mouth Iain Duncan Smith or IDS or as his mates call him 'In Deep Shit'!
Iain Duncan Smith (Again!!!): Fit to work scheme is needed because of IDS!!
Iain Duncan Smith (Again!!!): sends out Priti Patel to defend him on deaths due to benefits sanctions!!
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
Inflexible attitude by employers - yet there is a skills crisis, so why are they only interested in diversity?
Rob Wilson MP - claiming 60p for bicycle ride - why??
Monday, 20 July 2015
As workfare is so bad, we must do all we can to avoid it...
http://theoccupiedtimes.org/?p=11542 It doesn't lead to work either as Cameron appears to of stopped job creation and gone for diversity overload!!!
PCS union finds Universal Jobmatch a nightmare...