Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Come from Cornwall or Wales - your worse off than those from Estonia and Lithuania!

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/collapse-in-pay-lies-behind--britains-return-to-work-9324388.html The grim truth about pay and living standards in some the regions of the UK has also been highlighted by official EU figures showing that parts of Britain are effectively poorer that countries from former communist countries in Eastern Europe. People in Cornwall and the Welsh Valleys are worse off than residents of Estonia and Lithuania, according to Eurostat figures comparing wealth across the EU using a measure known as “purchasing power standards” - which takes into account GDP per person and cost of living. In addition, Durham and the Tees Valley, in the north east of England, are poorer than those in the wealthiest regions of Bulgaria and Romania, the two most deprived countries in the EU. The DWP peddles some lies at the bottom of the page again!


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