Thursday, 29 May 2014

Universal Credit gets reset! A truly useless system from IDS!

Mandatory Work Activity - going down! And so it should!

Monday, 19 May 2014

Sanctions up 334% - ESA! When will the coalition stop this raping of its own people!

January to November 2011 - 10,600 people died! When will Labour start being a opposition party? When will the coalition stop doing this to the people of the UK?

Friday, 16 May 2014

Petition to stop ministers spining DWP statistics! This has just got to stop immediately, and the press has got to wake up to the issues we are all facing! Where is the press when we need them?

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Benefit fraud - the fraud is that there is still the same amount now as in 2006! How can the coalition keep on saying we're all skivers etc. when they don't even get their facts straight?

Sunday, 11 May 2014

One in five people fail trial periods at work... Hardly surprising when all the jobseeker gets is two sentences describing the roles and agencies that don't even know the working hours or pay rates! Yet the coalition will not change the rules for recruitment agencies or job websites!

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Boss of the Universal Credit system is on the sick - working one day a week since xmas! He's the 6th leader of Universal Credit in just 2 years! and the Chief Information Officer is leaving too - hes on his notice period!

Friday, 9 May 2014

£157,000 golden handshake if not reelected to the EU! Perhaps we should all aspire to become EU MPs! Guess we're not that crooked!

Thursday, 8 May 2014

MPs even claiming 10k for their children now! IPSA knows too!

The politicians are still scrounging and taking all they can - Conservative Northampton south!

The un-credible shrinking man - Labour Party video on class war in the UK! & here too: You'll love the video, even if you can't stick Labours policies!

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

This guy has written 702 letters to David Cameron - a letter a day! Reporting to the police doesn't appear to work, it has to be done via legal means!

Person on benefits told to go ahead and commit suicide on David Camerons facebook page! Truly amazing how cold hearted the conservatives actually are!

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Come from Cornwall or Wales - your worse off than those from Estonia and Lithuania! The grim truth about pay and living standards in some the regions of the UK has also been highlighted by official EU figures showing that parts of Britain are effectively poorer that countries from former communist countries in Eastern Europe. People in Cornwall and the Welsh Valleys are worse off than residents of Estonia and Lithuania, according to Eurostat figures comparing wealth across the EU using a measure known as “purchasing power standards” - which takes into account GDP per person and cost of living. In addition, Durham and the Tees Valley, in the north east of England, are poorer than those in the wealthiest regions of Bulgaria and Romania, the two most deprived countries in the EU. The DWP peddles some lies at the bottom of the page again!

Jobseekers now MUST take zero hour contracts! What exactly does Esther McVey know about the jobs market? Not much according to this article! The coalition: putting round pegs into square holes AGAIN! One in five employers has at least one employee on a zero-hours contract Staff have no guaranteed hours They are entitled to holiday pay The contracts are often used in retail and in the hospitality sector

Monday, 5 May 2014

If you live near a light aircraft runway watch out for the gun runners, immigrants etc! National Crime Agency - the latest to get paid, and let the public do their job!

Even the immigrants in the detention centres are going on hunger strike! We want immigration stopped!

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Shocking US jobs data! Obamas in trouble again!

David Cameron thanks the bosses for the recovery that hasn't happened! Dave thanks the bosses for the recovery that hasn't happened! Where is this recovery?

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Cameron amazingly has the cheek to say others are all talk and no delivery! Cameron - that's you!

So if she isn't even supposed to be in the country, why is she still here? Kenyan fraudster... Just beggars belief that our MPs and Home Office can be so daft!

Friday, 2 May 2014

epetition to get the coalition and local council to create more jobs in the local area! Please sign, we need the council to wake up to the fact that there are so few jobs out there! Even though they tell us the opposite!

How out of touch Labour is with public feeling! Shows how out of touch the Labour Party is with public feeling! My local councillor actually said i was low skilled despite having technical training,which when she was shown the certificates via email she suddenly went very quiet! My local MP is Labour as is the councillor, they still want to keep immigrants coming into the country even though there is no work for the residents. All we have here is contract work, which is impossible to get due to intra company transfers, zero hour contracts and being in a queue of around 130 people! Never have i seen such a jobs crisis in the UK, yet the three main parties - Liberals, Conservatives and Labour all still want it to carry on as if nothing is wrong, despite being regularly told of the issues!

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Intra company transfers

Bet its still happening and loads are coming in... No wonder there is no work for the residents! All in the name of cheapness! But what happens to the english IT staff - jobhunting i reckon!

Even the EU states there has been a decrease in people being able to find jobs You'll find it on page 6, though its a long and hard to read document!

Why when the firms working with DWP want reports published, does the DWP not do it? Because what they are saying to the general public isn't true? Thats my guess!

DWP refused leave to appeal by judge! The dwp and jobcentreplus really is in a mess. There's lots wrong and so far they can hide, but it looks like that time might be coming to a end!